Six - Lost Trust

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It took about five minutes for Mrs. Figg's house to be back to normal. Harry used his wand the entire time and not one howler came flying out of the fireplace.

(Though he did have to admit: the sudden flood of letters shortly before his first year was a very enjoyable memory looking back).

Harry sat once more on the couch- no springs attacking him- and faced Mrs. Figg, who had re-begun her knitting as she explained what an obscural was.

Apparently it happens when a child is forced to repress their magic and with no outlet for their magic to escape to, it will begin to (is Mrs. Figg's words), "curls into itself, into you, and begin to corrupt you." All that Harry took from that is that his magic will continue to build and build his obscrus if he doesn't have a chance to express it. If it doesn't get expressed it may begin to plant deadly thoughts prone to lead to bad then steadily worse actions- like recklessness and impatience- but it also allows him to be virtually immune to any possession.

Mrs. Figg allowed for questions to be taken at the end, but right when Harry was trying to find a good place to even start, a knock came from the door. Mrs. Figg checked the nearest window and waved a hand at Harry, which he took it as either an Order member, a ministry person, or a death eater. He hoped it was none.

Harry concealed himself in the cupboard under her stairs, which led for him to be reminded of the ten years he spent growing up. He closed the door as Mrs. Figg opened her fromt door.

"Hello Arabella," a plesent voice said.

Mrs. Figg gave a huff.

"Hello Remus," she said back, with only a hint of impatience.

"And me. Hi, Tonks," Harry head Tonks say. He strained to hear anything and everything.

"May we speak with you?"

"Come in. Sit on the couch."

Harry heard Mrs. Figg close the door and Tonks walk right by the cupboard, likely trying to explore like she did when she came to help pick up Harry to take him to headquarters.

"How many I help you?"

"Well-" Professor Lupin began, then paused like he was thinking. "We were tipped off by Mundungus-"

"Astonishingly he didn't go looking for stolen cauldrons," Tonks interjected. She never could stay out of an conversation.

"-that there was an explosion and we wanted to make sure it wasn't Harry," Lupin finished as though Tonks never said anything.

He heard Mrs. Figg scoff. "Do you see ministry representatives swooping down to take him to court? If it was Harry, it was half an hour ago, where are they?"

There was silence for a moment as the processed this.

"Isn't he an obscural?" Tonks asked bluntly.

A wave of icy hatred swept through him. So they knew. They knew and didn't bother to tell him.

Rage took place of hatred, which he could hear thrumming through is eardrums and into his brain. His veins were not of blood but of lava. His eyes were not the kind emeralds they once were but cold ones that had been shaped by abuse and neglect. Then a new burning question flooded him: where exactly was Professor Lupin all these years? Not ONCE did he think that he could or should visit Harry? Was Harry really that awful of a person that he drives away people who pretend to care about him, who then go visit his NEIGHBOR, without bothering to VISIT him, maybe keep him COMPANY FOR A LITTLE WHILE? IS THAT WHAT HE THINKS?

Right then and there Harry wanted nothing more than to leave. Leave this house, this street, this neighborhood, this city. Leave it all. Maybe they'll think he abandoned them. Maybe THEN they'll understand how HE'S been feeling HIS ENTIRE LIFE.

Harry took a deep breath in and out as quietly as he could, willing that anger to freeze over so he can continue eavesdropping on their conversation, for this was NOT HOW HE WAS SUPPOSED TO _______ FIND OUT.

Quick Author's Note (sorry):
When I go ______, that's usually a swear. Thank you and sorry for the interruption.

"- not happy is he?"

Lupin sighed. "No, he wants Harry back. He doesn't seem to care that Harry has an obscrus- frankly neither do I, but Dumbledore says no- and we just don't have that kind of place where he won't learn anything or get weird looks from everyone."

"I learned last night," Tonks piped up. Hearing her admit that when she met him she didn't know soothes him in a weird way. It means she wasn't lying to his face whenever she saw him.

"Unfortunately it seems that the Weasley twins had picked up on Harry being an obscrual and told everyone. We had to warn them not to put it into writing; he'd be in more danger."

Harry felt his eyes begin to sting and he tried to wipe them away but more appeared. He took a shuddering breath in and out, trying to be quiet when heard Mrs. Figg say goodbye to the two order members. Who knew. And didn't tell him.

Harry crept out from beneath the cupboard once he was sure that they had gone, and found himself looking up into the mournful eyes of one Mrs. Figg.

"I need to leave," he said abruptly, his voice not wavering despite his uneven breathing.

Mrs. Figg nodded somenly. "Go. I won't say anything until next Tuesday."

That gave Harry five days to get as far as he can. He nodded his thanks and picked up his truck, which he hadn't noticed that he dragged it into the cupboard with him.

Mrs. Figg disappeared into the kitchen and came out with perservable snacks and the book about obscrual's. Harry made a mental note to read it when he has the chance.

"Any recommendations?" Harry asked, hoping that Mrs. Figg understood he was looking for a place to hide.

She thought for a moment, then disappeared again and returned, arms full of maps and notes. She handed it over to him.

"These are a few places where you may go undetected. Maps to get you there, notes on where the safe places are."

Harry shrank the vital information and stuck it into his pocket. He was about to turn to leave when Mrs. Figg surprisingly gave him a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry I hid the truth," she began. "I've seen and heard all that you've been through, and the fact that you're here now and strong enough to do something... I'm proud of you."

Those were the four words that made Harry realize that he could always come back to Mrs. Figg.

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