Eight - New Home?

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It took about two hours to get near the edge of the city. Once Harry had gotten off, he brought out his Firebolt and flew to where he thought was Stoastshead Hill is. About two days later he made it to the small town, sure to hide his Firebolt.

He bought a tent there and spent an hour trekking his way to the moor.

Once he was there and had set up the tent by a large rock that was visible from almost a mile away, ensuring that Harry shouldn't get too lost.

He spent about a week there and was beginning to worry about Hedwig when she swooped in with three letters: one from Ron, one from Hermione, and one from Sirius.

He read the first one:

Dear Harry,

I recently heard that you ran away, and may I ask, what in Merlin's name were you thinking? You would've been safer with your uncle and aunt!

Please write back and tell me where you've gone, so me and Ginny can send Ron and Fred and George there. Please do take them, they're driving the both of us crazy.

Despite my disbelief in your disappearance, I miss you terribly.

Hope your doing well,

Harry rolled his eyes at her letter, but also missed everyone, perhaps more so due to the Dursleys. He moved on to Ron's letter.


We heard you ran away. Why'd you do it? You-Know-Who is out there and looking for you, this is the worst possible time for you to disappear.

However you being my best mate, I know there's no way you're going to listen, so be safe and don't die.


Harry smiled at Ron's warning. He moved onto Sirius' letter.


What were you thinking, running away like that? Especially with Voldemort out there. When Kingsley went to see what you were up too because you weren't leaving the house and said you were missing, I nearly blasted him thinking he was an imposture.

I thought you were smarter than that, but I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in your actions.

Despite my disappointment, I want you to return to your home, send a letter when you arrive, and DO NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE AGAIN.


Harry felt his heart drop into his stomach at Sirius' disappointment. He felt this way when Professor McGonagall had caught the three of them out of bed back in their first year, and when Lupin had to take the Marauders Map from him in his third year.

But this was much much worse.

He didn't know why Sirius' approved ment so much to him, or why it felt so... different compared to past times. But one thing was for sure.

Harry would never be going back to the Dursleys. If anyone thinks for a second that Harry was going to oblige to a "safe" and "happy" environment, they'd have to bring him there dead.

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