chapter 8

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Harry says while smiling"well she have got ur cute eyes.......and ur gorgeous hair......and every nice thing u have got, she have it" u reply him and a tear rolling from ur eyes to ur cheek " Harry, i hope u will be a great boyfriend with her," the he relaize ur tear and he whipes it for u by his thumb and says "thanks.......but why their is tears rolling on ur cheek babe?" u didn't answer so Harry tells u " do u Know that my new girlfr---" u cut him and look at the ground "Harry please stop talking about ur new GIRLFRIEND, I CAN'T HANDL IT ANYMORE U DIDN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT HER!!" u left ur chair and went out of the resturant angrey and tearing because u are jelous from his new GF so u went walking to a park cross the resturant ang sat on bench and asking your self why he is not following me, of course his gf arrived, u started crying because u loved Harry more than anyone even mo than Jack, suddnley u saw Harry standing in frot u, u whiped ur tears off and asked him "what do u want from me? go to ur girlfriend before she comes and dont find u!" and tears started falling he says to u and laughing "hahaha my girlfriend is in front of me" u ask confused with a small simle "what do u mean Harry?" ..........

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