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When jungwon came to your door, knocking frantically in the early hours of the night. You assumed it was because he'd either come to ramble or join you in bed because of noisy thunder and didn't want to sleep alone.

You, his best friend, were practically used to these gestures frequented between the two. Both were inseparable since elementary school. You currently lived in a dorm for your secondary education, and next door lived yang jungwon, making it easy for him to slip in and out of your dorm.

You weren't anticipating him drenched, with his skin painfully pale as thunder roaring in the back. "are you ill?" you place a hand on his forehead to check his temperature, yet what you felt was sickening.

He was unbearably cold, your eyes dilating while jungwon ripped the hand off his forehead, intensely gazing at you. His fingertips were frigid, no warmth radiating off him like he was... dead.

You watched as his orbs glowed yellow, causing you to back away. "y/n," he voiced shakily, his eyes softening upon your visible fear. "i'm a vampire now."

You marveled at his words, jaw craned open in response. "what... how," you mutter, displaying your apparent shock. You shook your head violently, "come inside and explain."

The drenched boy, or now, vampire boy, agreed. He stepped inside while you maneuvered between his dorm and yours, fetching him a fresh pair of clothes. You return to your dorm, where he dried his damp hair with a dry towel.

You couldn't help but wonder what the boy could be thinking of now, and you knew better than to think he was joking. Vampires were on the loose for centuries, lurking around and turning innocent humans into their kind till immortality.

You offered jungwon the fresh pair of clothes, which he accepted, and peeled the soaked hoodie off him while you watched him. It wasn't any different between you two. Maybe it'd been long since last time, driving heat to rush to your cheeks.

You excused yourself, getting yourself and him a glass of water to quench your thirst. He settled on your bed, staring aimlessly into the air with the glass of water in hand. "how did it happen?" You question slowly, taking note that he could be shocked into consideration.

"i took maeumi on a walk around twelve before it started pouring. When I got back from the park, I realized that I had left my phone there. So I thought I'd retrieve it and found my phone on one of the benches and heard rustling from the bushes.

i figured it might be an abandoned pet. I then bent over to see, but it was a vampire," he paused, hesitancy building in his tone, "...feasting on a human. It launched at me, piercing its sharp canines into the crook of my neck. I thought this was the end, that I was going to die.

some elderly lady throwing out the trash saw me, muttered a few lines in a foreign language provoking the vampire to screech, and ran away... After that, I blacked out and woke up a vampire with a silent heart."

You stay silent, bearing everything disclosed. Jungwon mutely bored his eyes into his pale hands. "that's a lot to take in," you state the obvious, making him chuckle dryly.

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