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iv. April 26th, 8:03 pm

You gasp heavily, lifting yourself off the armrest, panicking as you regard your pale friend. Jungwon was nonetheless a vampire. You feel the water slip from the brink of your eyes. You weep uncontrollably, jungwon front sullen, unsure at the rundown of events.

"it's fine. We have another chance, remember"

"i just saw you die in front of me, won, and just stood there," you convey with a trembling voice, breath unsteady. "It's okay." jungwon mutters, hoping to persuade you that everything is alright.

He grasped the faded blue liquid that no longer shimmered like it formerly did. "jungwon," you utter silently, tapping on his arm to avert his attention to the red thread tied around your pinkies that slowly disappeared.

"don't we need the thread..."

Jungwon remains silent, refusing to accept reality. And so his tears rolled down his cheeks like gold, ever a rare sight to see him cry. You could count on one hand the times you'd see him cry.

"he lied. sunoo lied." he voiced, his words stabbing at your heart repeated as you shook your head, frantically reaching for your phone. You dialed jake, waiting for him to pick up solely for the line to beep and end.

They lied.

"only if I knew— I would've tried harder," you croak, choking another sob. "won," you attempt to pull jungwon out of the palms of his hands as he gutted a heart-wrenching cry, no longer tucking his head in his palms but finding it on your shoulder while you embraced him.

"I'm sorry, i'm so sorry, i should've let the vampire bite me, then you wouldn't be alone—" you pause, reflecting on your words.

"jungwon," he lowly hums in response, head still against your shoulder, silence dragging. "could you do me a favor,"

"if it's for you, I'd give up everything, y/n."
"then bite me,"

Speechlessness drawled, lifting his tear-stained face to meet yours, "of course not." He was clear with his statement. "please, at least I can spend my entire immortality with you. Everything's okay if you're with me, jungwon."

"why give up beating heart for a still one like mine," he spoke, teardrops rolling down the length of his pale glistening skin. You sniffle sadly, cupping his cheek, clamping your lips to his cheek stained with tears.

The sentiment was tender, but everything had to end as all things do. You pull away, a soft smile grazing your lips, gazing into jungwon's eyes adoringly, hand resting on his cheek in a soothing action, calming the vampire.

"because I like you, won, I always have."

His eyes watered, this time from both happiness and sadness. "i like you too," he says softly. "but are you...sure?" he questions, breath hitting your neck, "yes," you reply, shutting your eyes and waiting for the impact.

He soughed shakily, complying to mark your neck with his fangs. He soughs shakily, pressing a small peck on the spot of your neck he'd pierce his fangs into seconds later.

His fangs tore through your delicate skin, carefully feasting on your ever-sweet blood. "jungwon, don't feel guilty, please," you voice quietly.

You knew he'd begun to lose control, but you didn't mind as crazy as it seems. You had no regard over your life at the moment and when it came to him.

And like you recognized, he'd lost control, intoxicated by your blood. All till he realized that you'd shut your eyes, breath getting shallow.

"no, y/n, I didn't mean to—" for the nth time in the night, he cried harder than previous as you fastened your eyes, smiling weakly.

"thank you, jungwon." remain your last words.

Jungwon shrieked atop his lungs, enraged. He'd failed to restrain his desire; he'd killed you, his best friend that he knew for ages, a best friend turned crush. Yet he'd drank out your blood, leading you to your death.

Though the smile never left your lips as you stared at him in your eternal slumber. The pleasant expression you adorned contrasted the horror in jungwon's, riddled with immense guilt he would carry for centuries to come.

jungwon thought he was a monster and a cold-blooded murderer ever since.

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