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You followed the directions communicated by jake, taking a right turn with jungwon tailing behind you. "I think it should be...right up ahead..?" you drag cluelessly.

Nonetheless, you stepped forward and came across a whimsical-looking store, sharing a wary glance with your best friend. "wait, I'll open the door, just in case," he declared, stepping to the door and propelling it open, the bell chiming as he held the door for you.

"is anyone there?" you ask, peering around the mystical yet cozy shop. "indeed! You both must be here because of jake, i suppose," an unknown foxy-eyed boy not much older than both of your voices, scrutinizing you head to toe.

The vampire looked warily at foxy-eyed, placing an arm in front of you, protectively. "do you work here?" jungwon inquires, skeptical of him.

"i do, indeed," the feline-eyed quips, "how could i be of any help today," he inquires, a sly smile settling on his lips.

Jungwon turned to you, "i don't think he can be of any help. let's just leave," he whispered, producing you to shake your head disapprovingly. "No, we're not leaving," you state, clasping his wrist in your hand and hauling him to where the anonymous boy sat.

"so? do you need a love potion; it's a hot item these days, or to get revenge on the desired person? Many customers say they wreaked their revenge," the unknown boy spoke with his orb glistening, glancing at the two expecting a reply.

You gulp and muster up the courage to ask in favor of your vampire friend, "do you have anything that can transform creatures back into a human?" you question. You hoped he wouldn't stare at you weirdly for it.

"oh...no, I don't—"

"see, i told you he couldn't help," jungwon interrupts, facepalming.

"but i do possess something that can reverse time," the feline-featured concludes, sending a glare disapprovingly at the vampire boy.

Your orbs light up in hope as jungwon feigns silence. You urge the boy to continue, "You'll require this," he says, whipping out a miniature bottle filled with shimmering blue liquid and a red thread. "It's a high-priced item, and only two people can go back in time, but," he pauses, glancing at you two.

"but?" you question, not bothering about the price, "but you involve strong emotions, and I'd say a kiss would do the trick..." He completed, placing the tiny bottle on the table with the ruby thread, sliding them to you across the table.

"oh," you manage, your gaze nervously meeting jungwon's, who equally shared the look. "we'll take it," you answer shakily, placing the pricey amount on the counter and the small bottle and thread in your bag.

"so all we have to do is take a sip of this liquid, tie the thread around my pinky and then his. Then collectively think back to the date we want to change?"

"and kiss," he perks, sheepishly smiling.

"and you have two chances, so it's alright if you mess up the first time." he continued with a mischievous glint in his orbs.

You bid the boy goodbye and a thank you, turning to leave while stepping to exit. "wait!" the unknown boy shouts, "i must inform you, though, you will begin to forget why you've returned in time, so i advise you use your first chance as a test.

and if you find anything wrong with the timeline or such, come back to this shop. I'm always here regardless." He finished, beaming at you particularly. "alright, thank you... foxy-eyed boy!" you shout from the other end of the shop as you hear him chuckle, "the names sunoo!"

You exit the shop with jungwon, smiling that you had a chance at reversing jungwon's fate. "that wasn't all that bad," you say, a grin stretching across your lips, merely for the vampire to scoff, "this could be a scam, y/n, don't believe people so easily."

"don't be uptight, won. We could reverse your fate with it," you retort, observing the time ticked 6:03 pm. "now let's go to the cafe, then get home and try this," you say, referring to the sky-blue liquid tucked away in your bag. Jungwon only groans as you drag him to the nearest cafe, grabbing something for the both of you to eat.

❝blue blood❞ - yang jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now