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The most nerve-racking part of the little ritual sunoo instructed remains minutes away from taking place. Your heart thumped while jungwon tied the thread on your pinky after he finished tying his.

"jungwon," you croak out, all the more anxiety invading you as he gazed at you doe-eyed. "yeah?" he asks, slowly corking the cork off the miniature bottle, careful not to spill any liquid.

"I'm nervous," you hurriedly voice, fiddling with your fingers, looking down at them. "I'm nervous too, but it's fine. We have two chances, y/n," the boy replies, reassuring me about the wrong thing.

"that's not what I'm nervous about," you halt, gulping down the tense feeling, urging yourself to continue, "I'm nervous about the kiss." Silence follows as you think the world collapsed on you.

"not that the fact I'll kiss you but what it'll become of our friendship if we—" he cuts you off, placing a hand on your cheek, cupping your face and leaning forward, and connecting his lips to yours.

You felt his cold lips against yours instantly, but it spread warmth through your chest as you reciprocated the motion, grinning into the kiss. Fireworks go off in your head as he pulls away, smiling with his dimples, looking adorable.

"our relationship will be what you want it to be, y/n," he ends, perfectly encapsulating the moment that will remain ingrained in your memory for years to come.

"you know that we had to kiss after we sipped on liquid, not before," you say, snickering while he smacked his forehead, hiding his rosy tinted cheeks.

"it's fine, i wouldn't mind kissing you again anyways," he mutters, promptly taking a sip of the glowing blue liquid, acting like he wasn't the cause of heat speeding to your cheeks. Familiar feelings of butterflies zooming around in your stomach erupted.

He delivers the bottle, only a quarter empty, ensuring there's enough for the second chance. You sip the blue liquid that tastes like blue lemonade, much to your surprise.

"oh wow, it tastes just like blue lemonade," you comment while jungwon shifts forward on the sofa and towards you. If it weren't the present circumstances, you'd think he'd gotten a bit cold or sat closer.

However, you knew he shifted closer to kiss you, not that he would mind as he said. "try not to forget," you manage to utter as there's a slight gap connecting the two. "you too." he returns before going forward with the anticipated motion.

And so he placed his lips on yours softly. It was slightly awkward as the distance between your bodies was considerably larger than your faces. "come closer," he uttered hushedly against your lips. You did as told, his hand resting on your forearm.

He soon broke the kiss, hearing him laugh in a daze as you're lightheaded. You find yourself laying back on the couch's armrest, head spinning, shutting your eyes in accordance. Jungwon gripped your hand as he experienced the same.

❝blue blood❞ - yang jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now