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You'd risen from a painful nightmare eerily early, noting the time on your phone; 7:48 am. It was scarring, where jungwon died at the vampire's hands, fangs injected into him, sucking his blood.

You were shaken awake from fear merely to find yourself being bear-hugged by the very vampire, face buried between your neck and pillow nape.

You attempt to make the boy let go of his death grip around, doing everything possible, yet to no avail. You groaned in exhaustion, opting to text your friend, jake, inquiring about the supernatural friend he claimed to have.

Not expecting a reply in the crack of early morning sunlight, you dozed back to sleep. Jungwon couldn't get you out of his mind, even in his dreams. Whether the indulging scent of your blood or just you, he'd dreamed of both.

He'd seared his teeth in your throat, consumed your sweet blood, and cuddled you while watching a movie. He was sure he'd never taste your blood, not wanting to injure you or turn you into his kind.

But jungwon wondered if he'd ever call you his, though he wasn't sure when he'd initially regarded you as more than a best friend. He fluttered his eyes open, landing his sights on your slumbered face. Your mouth opened in the slightest, rendering a toothy grin from him.

He snuggled to you, pulling into your slumber even deeper. But no, your phone rang through the serene daylight, nudging you awake. Jake read the contact name while you slide the green button to the side, answering the call.

"hello," you spoke, yawning as jungwon clung to you, pouting. You wondered why he was jutting his lips in a pout, dismissing the thoughts while you conversed with jake through the phone.

"no, it's not for me," you pause, gaze falling on the vampire boy who could only groan and shut his eyes while you saddened, "yes, thank you, jake." You conclude, cutting the line.

You turned to jungwon, poking his cheek, "shall we get ready to leave," you spoke softly, lightly pinching his cheek as he nodded. You left to your routine chores after freshening up, washing the dishes, and hanging your clothes and jungwon's wet ones to dry.

You strode to the kitchen, the following task at hand to prepare breakfast, solely for jungwon to be slanted against the island, toasting some bread.

"sandwich?" he asked, peering at you.

"sandwich." You repeated, a gummy smile lifting on your face. He was still the boy you grew up with; You helped the red-haired prepare the assortment of a sandwich, placing the vegetables, meat, and freshly toasted bread in order.

"this friend of yours," jungwon began pausing to munch on the sandwich made not 2 minutes ago. He must've been hungry. "can they really help?"

"only one way to find out,"

❝blue blood❞ - yang jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now