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i. April 25th, 7:30 pm

In a second, you sat in front of the tv, flicking through the channels as if nothing had happened, "so it worked," you marveled, astonished. But wait, "what worked?" you question yourself, not sure why you were astonished that the tv could change channels.

Did I forget something..?

Oh well, you think, continuing to switch through the channels.

ii. April 25th, 9:45 pm

You ate dinner, unable to consume everything you prepared, opting to store the remains in a box. You placed it in the fridge to reheat it and eat it later.

You latch the main door to your dorm, knocking on jungwon's to bother him and see what he's doing. He paned the door open, permitting you inside, "kart rider?" He suggested, already setting up the equipment, expecting your excited nod.

You had gotten busy with school, not being able to hang with your best friend as much. You wouldn't pass up the opportunity to play kart rider with him, let alone spend time with him.

Many losses and wins later, you yawn, extending your limbs accordingly. "don't you need to walk maeumi now?" you inquire, making jungwon fling his head up instantly, hard enough to get whiplash, "right," he says in remembrance.

"you should get some sleep. I'll walk maeumi in the nearby park and come back," he says, and you nod, stepping to the door and opening it.

Something felt off, but you couldn't place your finger on what.

Yet you stayed at the doorway grounded, unable to move. Your gut briefed you not to leave but to accompany jungwon, who walked out the door with maeumi.

He waited for you to move out the way of the door so he could secure it. You did once he gained your attention from your thoughts. "jungwon," you say, inching nearer to the boy, "i don't think you should go alone,"

"i'll be fine. I can take care of myself, y/n," the crimson-haired responded, stroking your shoulder. Jungwon retained the instinctual feeling that screamed at him to avoid going alone.

He shook his head side to side, ignoring those thoughts, striding to the park after waving and shouting a brief good night towards you.

iii. April 25th, 11:56 pm

The walk with maeumi had gone smoothly despite the churning gut feeling that hadn't left him since. He twisted the doorknob open after inserting his keys in the respective hole, sparing a glance to your door wondering why you looked so anxious earlier.

He dismissed those thoughts, allowing maeumi inside as it started to drizzle that progressed to rain. He patted his pocket in search of his phone but felt nothing. It then dawned on him that he'd left his phone at the park.

He groaned before tying his shoelaces again, closing the door with an umbrella in hand as it began raining mere seconds after he'd gotten back.

The tall boy advanced to the nearby park, tracing his way to the bench he'd sat on moments ago. He'd forgotten all about his phone on that bench.

He picked up the device and heard the shrubs rustle, gaining his attention. Thinking it was a lost pet, the boy looked over the bush, though his inner voice dared not to.

You jolt up in a panic, momentarily remembering why, where, and what you were here to do. You shuffled your slippers on your feet in record time and sprinted to the park. You were getting drenched in frigid raindrops, but that was your last concern.

You recognize your best friend, still alive and breathing with a beating heart and not unusually pale, looking over the bush. You sigh in relief and call out to him, "jungwon!" you exclaim, a distance away from the boy as the rain pattered on you.

"huh," he expresses, snapping his head to you as a creature launched at him, tackling your best friend to the ground with a thud. In a moment, it'd injected its fangs in jungwon's neck, draining the color out of his face.

You screeched, feet pacing to the vampire, striking it in the head with jungwon's now discarded umbrella. The vampire hissed at you, now advancing to you. You freeze as it approaches you, but jungwon clasps its feet while clutching his neck in pain, making it fall face-first to the ground.

An elderly lady gasps at the scene before uttering a mantra in an unknown language, making the vampire hiss, seemingly in great pain, and flee from sight. You run to jungwon, who lay on the frosty ground as the harsh rain splashed on the two, one no longer human.

"I'm sorry," you sob, though your tears blended in with the rain as jungwon falls unconscious from the bite, his heartbeat coming to a halt.

❝blue blood❞ - yang jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now