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"are you... hungry?"

He looked up at you in alarm, fiercely shaking his head from side to side with a gaze that could kill, "i won't."

"i said i won't."

You sough, honoring his wishes, "want normal food? I have some jajangmyeon from earlier," you mention, hoping he says yes. He did to your avail. "sure," he quipped, a halfhearted bread-like smile blooming on his lips, deep dimples on display.

You'd served him a bowl of jajangmyeon, seated beside him on the kitchen island, overseeing as he ate. How could you aid him possibly, "hate to say this, but what now," you spoke as jungwon stopped slurping on the noodle midway.

Maybe you shouldn't have brought it up. You observe jungwon's eyes glass over. He slurped the remaining noodle into his mouth, chewing on it silently, glancing at the marble top of the island.

He gulped down the bit of food he chewed, moving closer to you as the vampire placed hands on your shoulders, leaning in with his head rested in the crook of your neck.

If it weren't for the heartbroken tone, you'd probably have butterflies swarming your stomach. "I don't know, i don't want to be alone forever," jungwon croaked out, sniffling lightly.

You winded your arms around him, embracing him. You ran a hand down his hair soothingly. Right now would be the worst time to confess that you liked him for years before, moreover that those feelings are returning.

You recall the first time your friend teased you about being his girlfriend in grade 7, and the thought hadn't escaped your mind since.

The denial came and went, acceptance settling in, though you realized harboring feelings for your best friend could end everything.

If it didn't go your way, you'd lose him. As a result, you pushed your feelings to the side, convincing yourself that being friends was enough. You eventually lost your feelings for him.

So why'd your heart pound against your ribcage while you gap into his gloomy and tired orbs?

You put away the bowl in the sink, opting to do the dishes in the morning. You held jungwon by the hand, lugging him to your bed. "it's late. we should get some rest," you say, readying yourself to go to bed, the clock ticking 2:36 am.

Yet jungwon didn't budge from his stance in front of your bed as you tidied the pillows. "jungwon," you voice desperately, hearing your voice crack. He gulped down the unknown lump in his throat, peering at your pleading eyes.

He settled beside you on the mattress, laying down and kicking the blanket onto both. You laid down, turning to him, shuffling closer like a magnet.

"i might have someone who can help with this," you articulate, shattering the silence as jungwon tucked you in his arms. You peer up at him full of hope. "let's pay them a visit tomorrow," he responded.

"good night, won."

"good night, y/n." He returned, resisting the fragrant smell of your scarlet blood and the urge to bore his now monstrous canines into the crook of your neck.

❝blue blood❞ - yang jungwon.Where stories live. Discover now