Stay (ziam fanfic)

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Right, hello guys. So this is my first fanfic and yes it will be (as most of mine probably will be) a cliché lovey dovey one, but who cares, hope you all enjoy. I will alternate the POV's but i will indicate them at the beggining of each page/chapter, even if they remain the same. Lemme know what you think of each chapter, and if you want me to give you a shout out for your story or a dedication from one of my chapters, I'll be more than happy too. And don't be afraid to give me feedback and requests. One last thing, THIS IS ENTIRELY FICTION AND I DO NOT HATE ANY OF THE CHARACTERS THAT WILL BE USED/MENTIONED. I LOVE THEM ALL :D <3

Right, so that's all of the boring stuff out of the way, onto the good parts


Chapter 1

~Zayn's POV~

It's hard to believe how much has changed in the past three years. I've gone from being an average teenager to one fith of a boyband that's become an international sensation. It's great. Just the whole fact that i get to live out my dream every day of my life. But I get to do it with four of the bestfriends i could have ever have asked for. We're more like family actually, we're all here for eachother no matter what, there's virtually no secrets that we keep from eachother. Plus i have the best girlfriend that anyone could ever have. I love Perrie so so much it's actually unreal. Yea these past few weeks have been stressful, what with all of the reports about me in the media but it feels like we're finally back on track and we're closer than ever. In fact, I'm planning a romantic surprise for her this weekend. Take out to a romantic resteraunt and just show her I still love her. Liam's been great as well, helping me plan the whole thing and making sure everything's in order. I scrolled down a few tweets on twitter. I haven't been on in a while so I thought i'd  just check and keep up to date.

There was an overwhelming amount of support from the fans. I did some retweets and following until something caught my eye. It was a tweet that read: "OMG, idc how many times they deny it, ZIAM IS SOOOOO REAL!"  I kinda smiled to myself and shrugged it off. There was always talk about our sexuality and possible relationships between us in the band. I see their point though, five guys in one boyband, seeing it from the fans point of view I suppose i'd be taking a guess as to which one is gay. None of us are though, well as far as i'm aware.

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