Chapter 3

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I'm enjoying writing this story so far, all i want is reads so thank you for reading so far, sorry about the slow start but for it to get all of the emotion you need to build the story properly first, hopefully this chapter will start to get more interesting!!! :) <3


~Liam's POV~

"Zayn!" I called. He always did this. Even if he was just going shopping it'd take him half an hour to just do his hair. It's a good thing though, it's what makes Zayn well Zayn i suppose. He'd still not answered me though, I didn't want him to mess this up, I knew how important it was to him. "Come on Zayn hurry up or you're going to be late!" I called again. "Coming" He replied simply. I walked to the kitchen and went to pick up his things that i'd gathered together for him. I walked into the living room where Zayn had just turned up. "Right." I said getting his attention as he began to walk over to where i was stood.  "Here's your wallet with your credit cards and some cash just in case you need it for a taxi or anything, here's your keys in case you're up a bit late and that's everything i think." I looked at him with an almost blank expression. I don't know why but lately i've felt down for no reason at all. To be honest the only time i felt happy was when Zayn was around but whenever i saw him i felt something else as well. Some overwhelming feeling that i can't explain and it was distracting me from everything, reality, singing, the boys even Danielle. That's why i split up with her a few months back. 

I handed him his things and he slipped them into his pocket. "Thanks man, have you seen my phone anywhere?" He asked looking a bit puzzled. I don't think i'd ever seen someone look as cute as Zayn did just then. Wait......did i just call him cute. It was true though, he was, well he is cute. Oh my god, have i fallen for Zayn Malik. This can't be happening. I shuffled my hands in my pocket trying to find his phone before pulling it out and handing it over, trying my best not to make eye contact. "You left it on the kitchen side after this morning, Louis said he'll drop you off at Perrie's as well and then you can walk from Perrie's to the restaurant, it's not far and it'd be more romantic." I spoke with a lump in my throat trying my best to hide it from Zayn but sure enough he noticed. 

"Thanks man. Everything alright?" He replied looking at me. I looked up briefly but long enough to see sympathy in his puppy-dog hazel eyes. I felt my legs grow week and an overwhelming feeling of emotions engulfed me. What do i say, i can;t just tell him that i'm in love with him. I can't risk our friendship like that, even though he'll never return my feeling for him, i'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not in my life at all. I tried my best to play it off. "Yea, everything's great, why?" I replied trying to shrug it off. Even sending him a smile but it seemed practically impossible for me to put any effort into it at all. He flashed me a concerned look before speaking. "Come one Li Li it's me, i can tell something's up, what's wrong, you've not been yourself for the past week or so. You can tell me anything, you know that right?" He replied before placing a hand on my shoulder and gently rubbing it. My whole body shook inside. "I'm fine honestly, just tired, you go and enjoy your date and don't worry about me."  replied before giving him another half hearted smile. He pulled me in for a hug. My head ended up in the crook of his neck. His skin was so soft and his aftershave smelt fantastic. I buried my head into his neck and stayed there for a few seconds. Who am i kidding, i could have stayed there forever. He patted my back and headed out side of the apartment door with Louis.

I watched Louis shut the door behind them and i let out a deep breath. I felt my eyes become cold and wet as my vision blurred. I wiped my tears away before they had chance to fall before turning towards Niall and Harry in the living room. They were both sat on the big settee watching some kind of programme, I was too distracted to figure out what it was. "Hey guys i'm really tired so i'm gonna head to bed." I felt emotionally drained and knew i wasn't going to be able to sleep but I just wanted to be left alone. "Ok mate" Harry replied. I quickly headed towards my room. I stepped into my bedroom closing the door behind me and sat up on my bed, tightly clutching one of my pillows against my chest. I looked down and saw dark tear stains on my pillow before I buried my head into it. Why is this happening? Why me? Why Zayn? 

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