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«Big reputation, big reputation, Ooh, you and me we got big reputations, And you heard about me, I got some big enemies»

'End Game'
Taylor Swift

msg, irl, instagram

The Black Phone 📞

brady h ⚽️
is anyone here yet?
read by clover 🍀 at 5:32 am

clover 🍀
no, dumbass, nobody's there yet
because it's not even 6 am yet here

brady h ⚽️
jeez, did someone wake up on the
wrong side of the bed this morning?

clover 🍀
no, im at airport security and this
dingus brought a knife in his suitcase
so nobody's allowed to go anywhere
and my flight leaves in half an hour

mason 🤏
damn, that sucks
im drinking a hot coffee rn
and it's so good 😊

clover 🍀
when we get to nc, im so beating
your ass

mason 🤏
woah clover, i didn't know you
were into the kind of thing

clover 🍀
this is exactly why your name has
that emoji
stfu 😙


Jesus, Mason really pisses me off sometimes. Just as I sent that last text, the line of people in front of me started moving. As soon as there wasn't a barrier making a line, I sprinted to my gate. My suitcase was flying all over the place and hitting my ankles.

It hurt so bad, but I had to ignore it if I wanted to make it for my flight on time. I stopped in front of a sign that said Gate B16. I walked around until I found an empty seat. It was next to a boy in a hoodie and sweatpants. He was reading a Stephen King book and drinking a coffee.

I sat down and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through tiktok for a bit, then switched over to instagram. Everyone in my feed has such an aesthetic life, it's not fair.

One of my worst fears is, of course, flying. My anxiety tends to get really bad and all I can think about is everything that could go wrong while we're in the air. Not to mention the feeling I get in my stomach the second we take off and the second we land.

I didn't have much time to ponder about the topic before they began boarding our plane. I waited until they called people with extra leg room before walking over. Did I pay the extra money? No. But it's good to wait at the line so you can be one of the first for your category to get on. I learned that from my mom. Speaking of my mom, she's already in North Carolina for a business trip, so it's convenient that filming is there.

They called my group and I immediately got into the line. I walked over to the flight attendant, who scanned my ticket and told me to have a nice flight. Yeah, nice flight my ass.

I found my row and took a seat by the window. I never liked sitting in the middle and the person on the aisle has to stand up for those who have to use the restroom. Yeah, no thanks. I turned my phone onto airplane mode and put my headphones in. I was ready for the long flight.


Wilmington, North Carolina

Wilmington, North Carolina

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Liked by madeleinemcgraw, brady_hepner, and 84,837 others

thecloveryoung omw to set in nc for an impatient brady.

brady_hepner finally, omg!
thecloveryoung relax, it was only a few hours.

masonthamesofficial i sat next to you in the airport and you didn't even say hello 🥺
thecloveryoung THAT WAS YOU?
masonthamesofficial YEAH
user15 ship 🚢
masonthamesofficial id rather die than date her 🤢
thecloveryoung damn, okay then

madeleinemcgraw how do you always look so perfect? 🫣
thecloveryoung i don't, whatchu talking abt??
masonthamesofficial truer words have never been spoken
thecloveryoung 🤏
masonthamesofficial stfu

user16 too pretty for this world 🌍

user17 ship alert 🚢 🚨

violetmcgraw so pretty!!
thecloveryoung all you pretty girl!

i love this chapter sm idk why

Ambivalence • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now