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«I used to hear a simple song, That was until you came along, Now in it's place is something new, I hear when I look at you»

'I Hear a Symphony'
Cody Fry

irl, msg

It was finally the first day on set. It was quite cold, which wasn't great, especially since we were filming the baseball scene. I had woken up a little earlier than usual because I was a bit too excited. I had gone to hair and wardrobe before making my way to the baseball field. I walked up to Becca as the background actors started getting in their places.

"Hey, Vera! How'd you sleep?" she asked. Her outfit was adorable and she was holding a glass bottle of soda.

"Pretty well. That hotel has really comfortable beds." We shared a laugh as we saw the camera crew and the director walk onto the field. We smiled at each other and waited to be given orders.

Scott, the director, had a microphone and he was talking to people and telling them where to stand. The mic was connected to some hidden speakers around the set. I waited until I heard my name.

"Rebecca and Clover need to be over near those bleachers." I looked up and saw him pointing more to my right. We moved over until he gave us a thumbs up.

"Mason, let's have you get into position on the pitcher's plate." Mason walked to his spot and got into his pitching position.

"Tristan, head over to home base, but move to your left a bit... perfect!"

He continued telling the main cast where to go before it was time to shoot. My stomach was doing flips and the smile I had on wouldn't leave my face. I have a passion for acting, that's for sure.

"And... action!"

Mason, or Finney, threw the ball to Tristan (Bruce), who missed it. Maddy's (Gwen's) voice could be heard across the field, a camera near her face. Mason threw the ball again and Tristan missed it... again.

The camera panned to me and Becca as we were laughing. Those laughs were genuine. We couldn't get over the people around us whispering the word 'watermelon' to look like they were talking. Mason nearly locked eyes with Becca as the camera panned back to him.

His and Becca's characters like each other and it really shows. They're fake chemistry is perfect in real life. I hope it's visible on camera.

Mason threw the ball one last time and Tristan hit it perfectly. He made a home run on the first (actual) try. Now that's impressive. Lots of people watched in disappointment and others in happiness. Tristan slowly ran around each base, tipping his hat to Mason as he did so.

Mason sighed as the other team went to celebrate their win. He began to walk off the field and the camera panned to me and Becca as we walked off, our laughter having died down a bit but not completely.

We celebrated our first scene silently behind the bleachers and out of the view of the camera. I could tell this day was going to get even better.

The Black Phone 📞

aloe vera 🧴
congrats everyone! today was
awesome and i can't wait to
film more with you guys!
you're all incredibly
talented and im so excited
to see you act even more.
btw, that home run in the first
shot was impressive, trisha.

mads 🤩
you're too sweet! i caught a few
glimpses of you and becca and
you both looked so pretty!
also, what was so funny?

aloe vera 🧴
oh! the background actors kept
whispering watermelon and we
couldn't stop laughing 😂

mason 🤏
everyone did a great job today!
also i could hear some of the
whispers from the teammates.
it was hard not to crack up at
some of the jokes they made.

trisha 🤭
why thank you vera. you
and becca did awesome in the
2 second shots of you.

bae 😙
thanks tristan! the sad look
on your face when you
missed the ball the first
two times looked so real
that i almost teared up.
that might also be from the
laughing though. im so proud
of everyone who filmed today
and i can't wait to see the
others work their magic!

mikey 🎤
wish i could've seen you
guys in the moment,
but im sure it was
amazing. 🫶

banks 🏦
they told me earlier that
im going to have to do a
back bend and im not
flexible at all 😭

aloe vera 🧴
you look malleable enough,
ill help bend you into
shape 🤭

bae 😙
not the science term
that you told me and
mads about 😭

aloe vera 🧴
well they taught it
to me for a reason, right?

bae 😙
i guess

jordan river 🌊
can't wait to beat you up

suspenders 🧍‍♀️
gonna be the best scene to
shoot and practice

mason 🤏
love you're
enthusiasm, jordan

jordan river 🌊
always gotta be
enthusiastic, right?

aloe vera 🧴

brady h ⚽️
i have a rehearsal for my
pinball stunt tmr and im
nervous and excited

mason 🤏
can't wait to hold the door
for you 🤭

mads 🤩
is everyone okay with
meeting in the lobby
tmr morning around
Liked by bae 😙 and 10 others

I was able to fix some stuff thanks to Becca's interview. ❤️❤️
Also, finding lyrics that match the vibe is low-key hard, so if they don't make sense with the storyline, ignore it.

Ambivalence • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now