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«Goodbye, Mr. "Casually cruel", Mr. "Everything revolves around you", I've been Miss "Misery" for the last time, And you're Mr. "Perfectly fine"»

'Mr. Perfectly Fine'
Taylor Swift

msg, irl

mason 😎
vera, can we talk? in person, i mean.

aloe vera 🧴
sure, i'm in the lobby

I was sitting in the lobby with Maddy and Becca. We had wanted to go to dinner, but Brooke wanted to shower first, so we decided to wait for her downstairs.

"Guys, Mason's coming down to talk to me." I said subtly, not looking up from my phone.

They both instantly looked at each other, jaws dropped. "Are you sure you want to talk to him?" Maddy asked me. I looked at her. "Not really, but do I have a choice? I don't want to hate him forever." They both shrugged and we waited for Mason to exit the elevator.

A few minutes had passed and a familiar curly haired boy entered the room. We shared a look and he gestured with his head that we should go outside. I complied and walked with him out the revolving door.

"So?" I stood there, in the frigid air, staring at the boy I had recently learned to hate. "I'm sorry." I scoffed at him and put my tongue to my teeth. (Please tell me you understand this 😭)

"I've heard that before, Thames."

"Please, just hear me out this time."

I looked at him intently, struggling to make a decision. "Fine. But make it quick. It's freezing out here." I crossed my arms across my chest in an attempt to warm myself.

"Clover, I swear to you, on my whole life, that I didn't mean anything of what I said to you. I don't even know why I said such terrible things to you. In full honesty, I meant the exact opposite. I think you're a perfect person and you don't ever need to change."

I looked into his deep, brown eyes as he poured his heart out to me. It was getting easier by the second to believe him and I was glad that he was owning up to his mistake.

"You need to trust me when I say that you're probably the most perfect person I've ever met in my entire life. And I've met a lot of people, Clover."

I laughed at him, my smile not leaving my face.

"Please, please, please, forgive me. I'll make it up to you times a thousand. I'll buy you flowers, bring you food, go shopping with you, I'll even let you teach me how to surf. Just forgive me and be my friend."

We shared a silent moment, staring at each other, and I could tell he was contemplating his whole life up until this moment.

"Sure. I forgive you. And you know I can't surf." I laughed as a smile appeared on his face. "Yes!! Thank you, Vera!" He pulled me into an unexpected, yet expected, hug and I hugged back. We stayed like that for a bit, laughing awkwardly, until he let go.

"Can we go inside now? I feel like my nose is about to fall off." I cupped my face with my hands and he led me back inside. Once we were in the warm air of the hotel lobby, I hugged Mason again and said goodbye. I sat down with Maddy and Becca as he entered the elevator.

"So, I'm guessing you guys made up..?" Becca questioned. "Yeah. Something like that."

"Awesome! Because the tension between you two was getting tiring. Also, while you are outside, we made plans with everyone to go the beach tomorrow." Maddy said, showing me the texts on the group chat.

"That sounds great, Maddy."

"Yeah, maybe don't bring a swim suit though. It's supposed to be extremely cold tomorrow."

"That's even better." I smiled, laying my head on Becca's shoulder and scrolling through instagram.

I literally have the biggest gay crush on Annaka Fourneret. Lord help me.

Ambivalence • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now