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«You know, there's many different ways that you can kill the one you love, The slowest way is never loving them enough»

'High Infidelity'
Taylor Swift

irl, msg

Today my outfit was a pair of high waisted, cuffed, maroon jean shorts and a black tank top. Definitely wasn't my best, but the costume rack had worse.

We are filming the intense climax between Robin and Moose today. I'm set as a bystander who was cheering for Robin. I'm excited to see Miguel and Jacob put this scene together. I've seen a few of their practices over the past few weeks and they're very talented.

As I walked out of the hair trailer, I could see the crowd of extras getting into place. Miguel was making his way over while talking with Scott. He had talked to me before about the stress of wanting to execute this scene perfectly and I would tell him each time that he had no reason to worry. I know he didn't believe me, but I had to try.


The scene went great and Miguel kicked ass. Literally. We were all now in the lobby waiting to do a table read. I was sat next to Becca and Maddy with Mason on the other side of Maddy. He kept talking with Ethan and occasionally giving me a glance. I'm getting so sick of his childish games, so today I decided I would call him out.

The table read went well and now everyone was watching Maddy play Fashion Famous  so I took this as a good time to pull Mason aside.

I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked up at me and I mouthed "talk?" He nodded hesitantly and stood up from the table.

Everyone was too distracted to notice that we left , except for Becca. She watched as I held the door open for him to come out into the hallway. She raised a brow at me and I just shrugged it off.

I closed the door and faced him. He was playing with his fingers in a nervous fashion and looking at his shoes like he was getting yelled at by a teacher.

"Can you look at me?"

When he ignored me, I repeated myself more sternly. At the sound of my annoyance, he looked up instantly.

"What's your problem with me?"

"My problem? With you?"

"Yes! I've done nothing wrong and you seem to have an aversion to me like I'm a vegetable."

"A vegetable?"

"Shut up!"

He took that literally and stood there silently. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Just tell me why you don't like me."

"You're ignore me all the time and quite frankly, you're annoying. You're face is a weird shape, you're too tall, you're eyes are an awful shade of brown, you're oblivious to things you don't want to deal with, and you're-"

He stopped when he saw the tears spill out of my eyes.

"Clover. Don't cry. I'm so-"

"No you're not." I said tearfully, turning around and walking away, quickening my pace to a run.


Becca's POV:

I watched as Clover led Mason out into the hallway. I raised my eyebrow as a way of asking what they were doing, but she shrugged like she didn't have a clue.

I had a bad feeling in my gut and it was right. I continued to watch the laptop screen in front of me as Maddy frantically ran around trying to pick an outfit while the boys were shouting at her.

We heard a distant "shut up!" from outside the door and got up to investigate. We all crowded by the door, ears pressed on the cold metal, as we listened to the conversation between Clover and Mason.

A muffled "just tell me why you don't like me" was translated by Tristan, who was closest to the door.  He couldn't make out the rest and we all shared a disappointed sigh. Everyone else sat back down, but I stayed right by the door incase Clover needed me as backup.

I heard a sniffle and footsteps fading down the hall. I stood up and opened the door. I looked down the hallway to see Clover running away and then saw Mason standing there, dumbfounded.

"You've gotta be kidding me."

I ran after Clover, Maddy and the others following behind.

Clover's POV:

I knew he didn't like me, but I never would've guessed he hated almost everything about me. The fact he was going to keep saying things before he realized I was crying made me cry even more.

I was in my room now. Becca and Maddy had come in to check on me while Tristan, Jacob, and Brady (H) listened through the door. Not creepy at all..

It was getting closer to midnight when my phone screen lit up. My eyes adjusted to the bright light and I was able to make out the emoji beside the name.


Great. The last person I want to talk to. I opened the message and rolled my eyes.

mason 😎

mason 😎
hey clover. i'm really sorry about what i said to you earlier. tbh, i don't even know why i said such harsh things. please forgive me.

aloe vera 🧴
you know why you said those things?
because you meant them. there's no
excuse to the insults you told me and
there's no way in hell i'm forgiving

The Black Phone 📞

aloe vera 🧴 changed mason 😎 to mason 🖕

mason 🖕

mason 🖕
please vera. i'm extremely sorry for hurting you and i won't do it again. i don't know why I'm so mean to you and choose to dislike you, but i'd love to become friends. please.

aloe vera 🧴
honestly, mason. i'm done trying
to be your friend. fuck off.

hehe sorry not sorry

Ambivalence • Mason ThamesWhere stories live. Discover now