(Completed: November 2022)
"What book are you looking for?", a voice behind me asked.
I jumped, my head nearly hit the bookshelf.
"WiNgS aBoVe! GeEz, why do boys have to be so.."
I stopped, getting my first look at the dragon who'd scared me.
He wa...
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I had a super fun time writing this chapter, so I hope you like it!
Pelco's POV
I'd like to tell you that despite my dire situation, I kept under control, that I used my wites to save myself. But honestly, my only thought was:
Right at the last second, my wings obeyed my brain, and I brought myself to a not-so-smooth landing.
"Ow." I sat up slowly, my body still aching from the fall. "That's going to hurt in the morning."
When I flew up, the mysterious hooded dragon was gone.
"Damn it!", I swore under my breath.
Now that that issue was out of the way, I could focus on the real issue:
"Ok, I was running in that direction when I fell, so, the enterance should be that way."
I retraced my steps until I came to two starcases.
"OK, one of these got me into this mess, so, one of 'em's going to get me out."
I decided to try the staircase on the right. But when I got the top of the staircase, I found myself staring at a blank wall.
"Are you kidding me?! What staircase has a dead-end?!"
I wish Oaktail was here; he's so funny he could make history class with Webs enjoyable. . . . . . Yep, I'm totally lovesick.
My legs still hurt from the fall, which made climbing up stairs harder than it already would have been.
"Why are there so many stairs in here?! This place is the worst!!!"
When I finaly made it to the top of the stairs, I followed the sound of voices coming from the kichen.
"She's been gone at east two hours!", Oaktail said. His usualy calm voice was now raked with concern.
"But, where coud she be? We've searched the whole school", Tody said.
"I'm right here", I told them weakly. But before I could reach them, my muscles gave out, and I colapsed. I would have hit the floor if Oaktail hadn't caught me.
"Pelco!", Oaktail cried. He looked like the sun had been hidden from the whole day and now he'd suddenly found it.
He's way out of my legue.
"Where have you been? You missed supper", Tody said.
"Really? Have I really been gone for two hours?", I asked.
"Where in Pyrrhia did you go to come back looking like this?", Bumblebee asked.
I looked down and realized what a sight I must be. There were large cuts across my wings, tallons and tail. You'd think I was attcked rather than gotten my injuries being reckless.