Can you feel the love tonight?

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A/N: #Peltail4ever

Pelco's POV

Exactly one year, six months, one day, twenty hours, thirty-eight minutes and thirteen seconds later

"Come on, Pelco! You don't want to miss the school's New Years party!", Auklet said, pulling me into her room.

"Well, I mean, I was planing on staying in my room and finishing my homework-"

"No, Pelco, there will be plenty of time to do your boring homework tomorow. Right now, you need to get ready. You want to look good infront of your boyfriend!", Bumblebee teased.

I blushed.

Me and oaktail had been dating for almost seven months now, but, I still blushed whenever anyone called him by boyfriend.

It was pretty clear to me that there was no way Auklet and Bumblebee were going to let me sit this out.

So, after quickly putting on a pair of earrings, I followed them down the hall.

So, after quickly putting on a pair of earrings, I followed them down the hall

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Music started playing as we entered the room.

I caught Oaktail's eye as I walked closer to him.

"I thought you were planing on doing your homework."

"I was, but, Auklet and Bumblebee wouldn't let", I explained.

Oaktail chuckled.

"You look great."

Bumblebee was dancing in the middle of the room as if no one was watching.

"Hey, Dusky, why don't you ask Bumblebee for a dance?", Tody asked.

"No, I think I'll just go get-"

"Oh no, you don't!"
I pushed Dusky towards Bumblebee, and much to my delight, they started dancing together.

Me and Tody fist-bumped.

Oaktail gestured for me to follow him and we snuck outside.

"It's beautiful tonight", I said, barely above a whisper.

"Not quite as beautiful as you", Oaktail said.

I blushed.

"Pelco", Oaktail looked me in the eyes,"I've been in love with you since the day we went fishing together. And I wanted to ask you something: will you marry me?"

My jaw dropped.

"Yes!", I screamed, tackling him.

"Well, that's a dream come true."

We both laughed.

I suddenly thought of something.

"What about rings?"

"But, how do you get rings on webbed talons?", Oaktail asked.

"There are rings made specialy for webbed, Seawing talons and there are also ways of getting them embedded inbetween your claws, but, they're hard to come-by", I explained."What about armbands?"

"Wait right here", Okatil instucted.

He went inside the school and returned with two silver armbands.

He handed one to me.

"Do you like it?", he asked.

"I love it, Oaktail!", I said, putting it on. It fit perfectly.

As we were going back, inside, Cory walked up to us.

"What happened?", he asked, seeing our expressions.

I blushed.

"We're engagged."

Cory's jaw dropped.

"Lil' Sis is getting married!", he cried doing a flip.

"You proposed, Oaktail?!", Auklet asked.

"That's great, Pelco!",Dusky said, hugging me.

"How'd things go with Bumblebee, Dusky?", I asked.

Now it was Dusky's turn to blush.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Group hug!", Bumblebee announced.

I caught my breath.

"Oh geeze, can't breath!"

"Hey, guys, careful, you're going to kill my fiancé!"

Everyone looked at Oaktail.

"That felt weird, did that sound weird?", Oaktail asked.

Tody cracked a laugh and soon, all of us were dying of laughter.

Oaktail's POV

I felt as if I was soaring above the clouds.

I still couldn't believe it; I'd asked Pelco to marry me, to be mine, to stay with me through the perils of life and change. And she'd said yes.
It's immpossible to decribe the feeling; it's amazing to fall in love with someone and to have them return your feelings and say yes.

I took Pelco's talons.

"Oh, can you feel the love tonight?", Cliff sang with a mischious grin on his face.

"How long will you love me?", Pelco asked me in a whisper.

"Forever and ever."

Tody now stood inbetween us.

"And wove, true wove, will fowlow you, faah evah."

Dusky, Bumblebee, Auklet and Cliff were rolling on the gound, roaring with laughter.

And we laughed the night away.

A/N: Dang, this has been one heck of a journey!

And it's not over just yet!

Don't forget to add a vot and share this very short chapter!

Love you guys!

Wordcount: 697

Renx out!

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