The greatest day of our lives

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Pelco's POV

"Do we really have to be separated, Auklet?", I asked.

"Yes!", Auklet, Bumblebee, Dusky, Carp and Elmtree said in unsion.

"Can't I get just one tinnie, tiny peek at him?", I begged.

"Nope", carp said locking the door.


I've heard that wedding traditions are different for every tribe.
Because Oaktail is a Leafwing and I'm a Seawing, we decided to merge the traditions of both tribes.

After an hour-and-a-half bath (don't ask) I smelled like Wisterias and Anemones.

"Elmtree, would you like to do the honors?", Carp asked, holding out the Bridal Crown to him.

The Bridal Crown was made of dry seaweed and small, delicate pearls.
There were small white and blue flowers near the ear-peice.
A veil of white satin was tied to the front of the crown and tried in such a way that it could be taken on and off without any effort.

Elmtree carefuly placed the crown on my head.
Then, Bumblebee and Carp helped me put on the Bridal Cape.

Oh dang, how am I going to fly with this thing?

Mother walked in the room.

She gasped.

"Oh, Pelco, you look gorgeous!", she cried hugging me.

Even Angelfish seemed impressed.

"Moon, I would have never have thought that they could do such a great job! Not even I could have done it so beautifuly!", she remarked.

"Meaning we're not you and thank you kindly", Dusky said in ressponse.

I chortled at this.

The bell rang..
Time for everyone to head outside.

Oaktail's POV

I just barely kept myself from grinning as I watched Dusky walk down the asle with Bumblebee.

After them cam Cliff with Auklet, Tody with Mink, Ripetide with Tsunami, Angelfish with Bowfin and finaly, Acerose with her mate, Oliveleaf.

I caught my breath when I saw Pelco walk down the asle.

She was the most amazing dragon I'd ever met.

I'd been waitting for this day for a long time.

Me and Pelco were getting married.

Pelco's POV

Oaktail held a palm leaf in his teeth, much like what the groom does at a seawing wedding.

Me and Oaktail stood there, talons clased in talons as we made our vows.

"Do you, Oaktail take this seawing as your lawfully wedded mate?"

Oaktail looked me in the eyes.

"I do."

"And do you, Pelco, take this leafwing as your lawfully wedded mate?"

"I do."

"You may give the bride your kiss and your token."

Oaktail took the leaf out of his mouth and put it into an elababrate pouch. He put the pouch around my neck.
His snout met mine in a passionate kiss.
I'd wanted to kiss for longer, but, there were dragonets watching.

Bumblebee handed me my boquet.

It was made of Anemones, purple Hydrangeas, and Wisteria clippings.

My heart leapt for joy.

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