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Kendrick Pov

After a lot of running after jasmine to get my phone back from her,and a story later she's sleeping soundly on her bed and I'm exhausted. I still don't know how or where she gets her energy from.

I still have to get her stuffed animals and put them in her playroom. Then I have to finish drying the dishes.

Thanks to my grandma and my aunt nina I can cook and take care of my daughter, I didn't know what to do after Faith,her mum passed away.
I was hopeless and if it wasn't for God and the people around me,I would have lost myself and wouldn't be here for my daughter now.

My phone chimes bringing me back to reality.

Is she already asleep?

Yea she is, thanks for talking to us

Nah,I had so much fun talking to her it's really no big deal.

She really likes you, so u done watching your show yet?

We texted and talked about a lot of things,this woman was my best friend and I know it was a lot time ago but I feel like she's the new change that we all need. Layla is a wonderful person and though we've grown up I hope we can continue being the best friends we were.
Looking at the time on my phone it's now 2:34 am and she didn't open my message so I'm guessing she must have fallen asleep cause she did let me know that she was sleepy but still insisted we continued talking.


Layla pov

It's been two months since Sofia told Ryan about their baby, and two whole months since I started talking with Kendrick.
It's never a dull moment being around the people in my life.
kB and I started hanging out more,talking on the phone,taking jasmine to the park together or visiting our grandmas together.
Sofia's little baby bump has started showing and it's so adorable,Ryan and her decided to have a small wedding done in her parents backyard and it was beautiful, the whole decoration and the dresses plus the food it was amazing,her mum and dad couldn't believe that they would become grandparents that soon but still were happy and over the moon.
The whole wedding was amazing and as weeks go by i couldn't wait for my little Godbaby to get her.

Today I was done with work and couldn't wait to just get home and take a long shower.
Once I'm in my car, I begin driving home,it usually takes me 15 minutes if the traffic is free and 30 to 45 mins to get home if the traffic isn't.
Once I'm rounding the corner I get a call from kB, we spoke earlier when he was going to get jasmine form his aunts place.

"Hey kB"I answer the phone connecting it to the cars Bluetooth.

"Are you home yet" he asks sounding like he was crying or stressed.

"Yeah I'm just around the corner" I said "you don't sound okay,what's wrong kb"I asked.

"Layla can I come over to yours right now" he asked.

"yeah but you're still not answering my question"

"I'll explain everything once I'm there okay" he continued "I'll be there in 15".

"Alright bye"

"See you soon"he said before he hanged up.

I can't help but get worried about him and wonder what could have gotten him so stressed out,so I park my car in the driveway and head inside to take a quick shower before he gets here.

After taking a quick shower and changing into a hoodie and some leggings the doorbell rings and I go to let him in.
When I open the doors,and look at kB his eyes were so red and nose was red too indicating my guess to be correct that he was indeed crying.

"What's wrong k—" before I can finish the sentence he rushes to hug me and starts crying.

After crying for about a minute or two I kinda convinced him to sit down and let me know what's been happening and why his crying.

"She- she's not mine Layla" he stutters.

"What, wait what do you mean kB"

"Jasmines not mine Layla"more tears start rolling down his eyes.

"How- I don't understand kB,where's all this coming from" I asked sitting down beside him.

"About a month ago her mum- faiths mother came over to my aunt Nina's place, she was telling her about it and I overheard them talking about it. My aunt never said anything to me so I decided to ignore it Cause even if what she said was true, I still love jasmine" he said letting more tears roll down.

I could never understand the pain his going through but I ain't never seen kB cry like this and I couldn't take it anymore so I bring my hands up to wipe his tears.

"When I went back there today to get jasmine,I found her there again and another man was playing with jasmine,she just came up talking about all this rubbish about how faith couldn't tell me the truth that she was already pregnant before we got together and some other guy is the father of jasmine" he said shaking his head.

"kB I'm so sorry this is happening to you" i said hugging him,i really was bad at comforting people but this is beyond anything I've ever imagined,kB loves this girl and has grown to be her father,I didn't know what to tell him.

"They want to take her away from me Layla,they want to take her away from me" he kept on saying.

"They won't take her kB" I said patting his back "they wouldn't be able to".
I couldn't help but cry as well.


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Also you might want to check my other story "Do not Disturb" it's amazing 😉.
This story hasn't been proofread yet.


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