One Month...

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When Adrien had mentioned having a girlfriend, to say Gabriel was happy would be a complete and utter lie, in fact, he couldn't think of anything worse than a girl feeding off his son's fame and fortune. What made it even worse was when Adrien came to him a month ago and introduced his new 'girlfriend' as none other than Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

The girl was obsessed with Adrien to the point that any oxygen breathing animal could notice it was weird. She'd gone out of her way multiple times to make sure he was...happy. It made him sick to the stomach that she would go to such lengths for his son. But he knew girls like her, girls that wanted more than just a 'relationship'.

Gabriel believed, 100%, that Marinette had a hidden agenda, a motive that would end up with his son heartbroken, complete with an empty bank account. No one could be as nice as he was led to believe she was, especially someone who stood up to him. He knew nice, after all, he was married to Émilie Graham de Vanily; nicest actress in the business and pure walking sunshine. Her son mirrored such soft personality traits.

Adrien was naive and gullible, and this girl was taking him for everything he was worth.

It was the first time Marinette had been around their house, and Adrien had begged him to allow them to spend time in his room 'just watching a movie'. As Adrien prayed and begged for his father to allow them to spend a late afternoon together, Gabriel couldn't help but roll his eyes. He had been 16 himself once, he knew exactly what 'just watching a movie' meant — and it wasn't just anything. Usually it just meant tasting what the other had eaten for lunch, or just checking fillings were still securely in place. Though Gabriel might see his son as a baby chick, he was certain male hormones were genetic and he was sure his son was swimming in the damn things.

As Adrien guided Marinette into the hallway of the house, Gabriel called Adrien into his office prepared to give him the 'talk'. Well, not the talk, his son was far too inexperienced to even consider that yet, regardless of his hormones. He was a late potty trainer so Gabriel was quite sure he'd be late with this too. But anyway, the rules were set. Marinette stays only for the movie, they keep the door to his room open at all times, and if any funny business takes place, Adrien will no longer be allowed to see the girl.

Adrien promised to follow the rules, obviously willing to do whatever it took to be with Marinette, which, ultimately, only adding to Gabriel's fury more. The rules were meant to put Adrien off dating her, but noooo! His son was a sap for the girl.

What was wrong with the kid? A 16 year old shouldn't be so taken and, dare he say it, in love.

No, this just wouldn't do.

Pacing his office, he wished Nathalie had been there. Instead; he'd given her the day off 'in good will' for her help with the Miraculous. It had nothing, nothing, to do with the threat that if she didn't get said day off, she was running to Ladybug and Chat Noir. Something about a book signing with her favourite author.

So here he was, alone, and clock watching. He'd left it an hour, one whole hour before going to check in on Adrien and Marinette hoping to catch them doing something he could banish the girl for. There's no way they would both be innocently sitting watching the movie, what 16 year old male did that when they had a girl who they liked in their own territory? What must her parents be thinking? They must be as loose as her.

Rubbing his ring on his wedding finger, he walked towards the door and headed straight out. This was it! This was the moment he'd been waiting for. He clapped his hands together and gave them a rub.

The moment he steps into that room and catches her dirty lips on his son's beautiful, clean peach ones, he can rip them apart and throw her out onto the street. He can explain to Adrien how 'normal' girls are not suitable for him and he'd be better off with someone like Kagami. He'd let Adrien mourn the loss for a couple of days and then maybe contact Tomoe to set the children up. He could just picture the wedding now. All red and blacks, all distinctly oozing with money and wealth, and most of all his son marrying someone of worth. This would be followed by black haired, green eyed, beautiful grandchildren who would adore Grampy Gabe and take over his search for power.

They would call their daughter Emma — after his wife. A treasure of remembrance for his beloved in his new precious. She'd be firey and charismatic, smart and sporty, she'd be the perfect fit for the ladybug or cat Miraculous... when he eventually got them, that is.

Oh, he had it all, brilliantly, planned out!

A sinister smile encroached his face as he bounded up the steps two at a time.

Time to say 'Goodbye' to Marinette.

He heard them laughing as he made his way towards the door to Adrien's bedroom, a silent laugh leaving his own mouth as he thought about what they were probably doing. Maybe he should feel embarrassed by his intrusion, after all, his son could be in a very vulnerable position as his 'girlfriend' gets ripped off of him, by those immature pigtails. Blah, the thought of her hair made him remember his true hate and he couldn't help but think she knew. She must do. That's why she wore her hair that way, to mock him and his hate for Ladybug.

Eventually, after all was said and done, he knew he'd be forgiven though. When Adrien was married to Kagami and living in high social circles, it would all make sense. He'd forget about Marinette and the girl he thought he was in love with and settle into a companionship with Kagami. Perfection.

Finally reaching Adrien's open door he poked his head around, only for the grin to be wiped off his face in an instant. They were watching a movie, as promised, a Pixar one by the looks of it, and sitting with about a metre gap between them.

He stood there in shock as he watched them converse, both shyly glancing at each other as they spoke. The words stuttered and mangled by the two. What the hell was wrong with his son? This was not how 16 year old, hormonal boys acted, and Marinette? Well, obviously she had a game plan, maybe she was going with the slow and steady approach because there was almost zero indication that she even liked Adrien.

Gabriel studied them for another minute before turning and heading back down the staircase.

What a let down!

Just under an hour later he watched as Adrien said goodbye to Marinette at the door, both giving each other a shy and awkward hug as she left.

Adrien let out a soft sigh as he watched her leave, before turning with an almighty grin on his face and catching his father's eye.

"Thank you father." And with that Adrien made his way back up to his room almost floating up the staircase.


Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now