Three Years...

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Three years!

Three years and she was still around! They were 19 now and getting ready to enter the big bad world, and yet Marinette was still there. Adrien was as sickenly sweet with her as usual, and she was the picture perfect girlfriend appearing out and about with him on dates, at galas and just hanging at Five Guys with a milkshake. It made him sick (not Five Guys—he loved Five Guys).

The press adored them, calling them Paris' sweethearts and fluctuating them on the top spot with LadyNoir. Everytime he read about them he felt sick. Fake! It was all fake! She was fake! She had to be, there was no way this girl was real!

Recently, Marinette had been taken in by one of his competitors for an internship and apparently, even though she'd only been there four months, they were looking to hire her part time. Adrien said it was her work ethic and amazing talent, Gabriel said it was just luck. They obviously had a gap in role call.

Things hadn't changed too much in the past year. They still spent every waking hour together and they still spent more time with Tom and Sabine (apparently they weren't called Toby and Sarine) than with him. He knew Marinette's parents though, he knew they were all mushy mushy, loved up idiots and he knew they were supportive of the relationship; Adrien dropping out a time or two that they've said he could stay the night there. Like hell was Gabriel going to let that happen. And unless Adrien had been sneaking out at night and then back in the early hours of the morning, he knew his son had respected his wishes.

He could imagine it now, Adrien attempting to scale a wall only to get stuck halfway. That would be an interesting call to the fire department; one almost as equivalent to 'my cat's stuck up a tree'.

Gabriel couldn't help but laugh to himself. Adrien the cat had a funny ring to it. He moved around the house imagining life with a cat called Adrien as opposed to his son. A blond haired cat with black ears and...

Gabriel froze, before shaking his head and continuing on with a slight chuckle leaving his lips. His mind had completely run away from him then, he almost imagined his son being one of his arch nemesis. It'd be like Star Wars.

Without warning, a well constructed dream played in Gabriel's mind of him (as Monarch) battling against Chat Noir and dropping out 'that' epic scene.

"He told me enough! He told me you killed him!" Chat Noir said, as he hung from the metal bridge in the atrium. Adrien revealing his identity in a rage to find his father.

"No. I am your father."

He could imagine it so clearly. Adrien and Marinette; Ladybug and Chat Noir. The twist in the story no one saw coming and just another reason for him to hate the girl. Huh, he considered it. Maybe it was more likely than he thought the sheer ferociousness of loathing was pretty equal..

He'd been more than fair though. Allowing Marinette around a lot more often than he had done in the past, allowing them to spend time uninterrupted in his room as long as they stayed off the bed. Just like today.

Marinette had been around 50 minutes and 48 seconds meaning Gabriel was getting close to his favourite time of the day. Kick out time. He thought he'd take a leisurely stroll up to Adrien's room, maybe stop on each step so he could admire the new chandelier he'd had put into the entry. It was a rather Miraculous item. Diamonds and crystals, and costing six figures. He'd been considering spending a lot of his savings recently, that way Marinette would have less to get her grubby little mitts on.

He'd made it up a couple of steps, adoring the glistening of multicoloured reflections on the ground, when the untuned sound of Adrien's grand piano assaulted his ears and the surrounding area. Adrien never missed a note. This must be Marinette's doing! Distracting him from his amazing piano skills with her siren type ways.

Making his way up the staircase, ready to unleash the fury from inside, he heard it again — actually them because this time there were multiple notes out of tune. Was the piano broken? Had something happened to Adrien's dear beloved baby grand?

The notes continued to play out of tune, accompanied by Marinette's rather profound cursing. Well, well, he didn't know the girl had it in her. Someone who had such a sweet demeanour had a mouth like a sailor.

The noise grew more frequent and he was wondering if Adrien had gone temporarily insane. He was more skilled than this. Even when he was slightly 'tipsy' from a sip of Gabriel's New Year celebratory champagne, he could at least play a note perfect rendition of Ode to Joy — a personal favourite of Gabe's.

He reached the top of the stairs before heading in the direction of Adrien's room, only to notice Marinette seemed to be getting more angry, cursing Adrien out before letting out a scream. What the hell was going on in there?

About ten piano keys played at the same time followed by a less than delicate slam. The poor piano didn't deserve this kind of treatment, and he was going to save it from the aggressive ways of Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

He pounded across the hallway, reaching Adrien's door where Marinette really seemed to have some sort of issue with him.

Not standing around any longer, Gabriel slammed open the door to save his son, only to follow it up by slamming his palms against his eyes.

He heard the kerfuffle more than saw it, knowing full well Adrien had fallen backwards onto the floor off his piano stall as Marinette hopped down from the piano, an ominous low note ringing from her impact on the keys; and attempted to straighten up her dress. His retinas were most likely going to burn from what he had unfortunately just seen. He was quite sure he would never be able to look at the girl again.

Diverting his attention down onto the floor, his eyes landed on the tiniest scrap of pink fabric, a colour he swore he would never use in his designs again. Quickly, he diverted his attention once more in the direction of Adrien's sofa where Marinette's bra lay obscurely over the top. A shiver ran down his spine in disgust.

Placing a hand over his eyes once more he turned on his heel and towards the door.

"My office. Now!"

He walked back down the stairs rubbing his eyes aggressively as he attempted to get the image he'd just seen out of his head. Hadn't he made it obvious that Adrien was not to do that kind of thing in his house? It was that femme fatale. Turning his son over to the dark side. Forget him being Darth Vader, he had Harley Quinn present in his own home.

Without turning around he listened to Adrien saying goodbye to Marinette, the girl arguing that she would be fine getting home alone. Of course she would, she probably had a baseball bat to beat any man that crossed her path.

The click of the front door signalled Gabriel to move once again into his office, the hard placement of Adrien's feet sounding behind him. Once inside his office, he waited for the door to close before turning to face his son.

"I thought I'd made myself perfectly clear about what did and did not happen in my house." Gabriel studied his son, his hands behind his back and spine straight, damning Adrien's late growth spurts. They were now eye to eye and with Adrien's stature the younger Agreste had become the domineering body in a room.

"And I followed your rules, you said we needed to stay off the bed... so we did." Adrien was scarily calm, treating this like it was just another study session, not that he'd just been caught with his head up... bile burned in Gabriel's throat from just the thought of it.

"You know exactly what I said and why I said it!"

"I'll move out then." Adrien mirrored his fathers stance, holding his hands behind his back and keeping eye contact. How dare the lad learn his tricks!

"I don't think so."

Adrien closed his eyes and shook his head. "You need to let me go at some point father." He made for the doorway only for Gabriel to stop him once more.

"She's not welcome here again."

Adrien turned back slowly and glared towards his father, his jaw set in stone and eyes fiery. It was positively terrifying.

"Whatever you say, father."

Closing the door, he left Gabriel behind to find some soap so he could wash out his eyes.

Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now