Three Years and Nine Months...

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Nathalie sat in her bed with the tablet against her propped up knees. Gabriel perched beside her, his eyes firmly set on the small screen.

"She's hiding something and we're going to find out exactly what!"

Gabriel's next bright idea came in the form of an amok. After bribing Nathalie with a rather hefty pay rise, plus an additional week's holiday over the Christmas period and front row VIP seats to Jagged Stones next concert; he'd convinced her to recreate and send out Optigami. If anyone could do the job then this badly made piece of magical origami definitely could.

Apparently there was some sort of Christmas party at Le Grand Paris, run by Audrey's first spawn. It seemed it was the 'hip' place for the kids to be, everyone including Marinette Dupain-Cheng, was due to be there — all apart from Adrien that was. Being the smart one out of his friendship group, he had additional exams for his harder courses the following day, and of course he wouldn't want to disappoint his father by failing.

However, with Adrien safely locked away in his tower room, that meant Marinette would be there alone, and if his calculations were correct and his intel from 'sources' was true, that would mean the blue haired emo snake would be there too. The ex who wanted Marinette back. His 'sources' also made it clear that Marinette was a favourite among the males in her university course. He rubbed his boney fingers together — it was time to catch her out. Without Adrien around she was bound to show her true colours.

Gabriel and Nathalie both leaned in, studying the screen in front of them. They looked with prying eyes for Marinette, scanning past Nosey Rosie and Cap-Boy Keith bumping and grinding in the corner, before finally landing on Marinette Dupain-Cheng talking to that emo snake kid. Did he never think to wash his hair? Blue tips were so 2017.

Anyway, there she was.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng wearing an item of clothing far too revealing for this time of year. Weren't her parents worried about her catching a cold? Or even worse giving men the wrong idea? He looked her over once again, embarrassed for Adrien. How dare she find such an outfit presentable when she had a boyfriend? A boyfriend who was not the guy walking over to her right now.

"Nathalie!" Gabriel began to bounce on the bed. Excitement struck him hard as 'not-Adrien' placed his hands onto Marinette's hips from behind and pulled her back into his body. 'Not-Adrien's' lips pressing against Marinette's bare shoulder as the girl laughed, moving his arms around her waist and hugging him tighter. The floozy!

There was some sort of conversation going on, both whispering into each other's ears, before Marinette took his hand and led him out the room.

"Follow them," Gabriel said, signalling to Nathalie to send her next commands to Optigami.

"We really shouldn't be using the Miraculous for our own–"

"Do you want to go and see the Jagged Stone concert or not?"

Nathalie sighed, using the controls on the tablet to move the amok and follow Marinette, along with her mystery guy. They headed towards the elevator in the reception area, both laughing and smiling as they walked, completely oblivious to the mess they were about to get Marinette into.

Surprisingly, there was no more touching between the two since they were in the ballroom. They seemed respectable as they walked out and into the elevators, hand in hand, chatting and laughing. Nathalie attempted to scan the male; but, the hat and glasses blocked any scanning processes Optigami could do, leaving him as a complete unknown. Gabriel scrunched his lips in thought, maybe he could ruin two lives. It seemed this was a buy one get one free offer — excellent.

They both watched in silence as Marinette and her 'friend' headed out the elevator and down the corridor, stopping in front of one of the hotel suites. Oh yes, this was it! He'd wait until Marinette was in some sort of compromising position and then send Adrien to Le Grand Paris and up to the room. He'd find her in a naked tango with another guy and dump her there and then, embarrassing her in front of everyone. Perhaps he should call the press too. Not only would it end their relationship but get her out of his fashion circles too. He was a genius!

Nathalie stood and made her way out of the room, muttering something under her breath about Gabriel regretting this but he didn't care. It was the best idea he'd had yet. Completely flawless!

He studied the tablet, watching as Marinette and her 'fella' stumbled to the bed. They were discarding their clothing left, right and centre, both ending up in their underwear as he sat on the edge of the bed and she straddled his lap. The lad remained in the hat and glasses as Marinette attempted to devour the poor guy. The way she was going at him, Gabriel found himself being thankful his son was at home. It seemed she was a literal man eater. Who the hell kissed like that?

Watching the two on the bed, Gabriel couldn't help but notice the physique of the male. It seemed she had a type. Maybe he was a model for the company she was now working for, if he wasn't maybe Gabriel could thank him for helping ruin her life by offering him a decent contract.

The couple started getting more 'into' each other, when finally Marinette grabbed a hold of her partner's hat, pulled it off and tossed it onto the floor. They both stopped and looked at each other, Marinette combing her fingers through his hair before he picked her up and threw her on the bed, each removing the remaining items of their clothing.

"Nathalie!" Gabriel screamed, slamming the tablet face down on the bed. "Nathalie!" he screamed again, high pitched and almost only a volume cats could hear. This time his voice was full of the mortification of what he was seeing.

He ran into the en-suite of Nathalie's room, turning on the tap and rubbing water and soap into his eyes. The stinging sensation was not enough to remove the second time he'd looked at Adrien's girlfriend, barely dressed; but that wasn't all.

The male was his son.

His son, who had managed to sneak out the house.

His son, who had had a hair cut without his approval.

His son, who's bare, naked ass had been doing something other than being a cushion to sit on.

His son, who was most certainly having sex with his girlfriend.

Gabriel was sure at that moment, he was going to hell!

"Gabriel?" Nathalie questioned. "I think it's time to give Adrien the talk."

All he could do was whimper.

Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now