Eight Months...

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It had been eight months... eight whole months since Adrien had started dating that bakery girl. He was now 17, and, as far as Gabriel was aware, Marinette was still only 16. Now, this was something he was almost certainly against! So, when Adrien had asked if Marinette could come around to study after class he had to take 'a day' to think about it. After all, what would the press say if they found out Adrien Agreste was alone in his room with a 16 year old girl?

Carnage! It would be carnage.

"Adrien, can you come here please?" Gabriel stood at his office doorway waiting for his son to head in. He needed to get this issue sorted once and for all. He couldn't have such barbaric behaviour affecting his brand; seriously anyone would be mortified to find out his 17 year old son was canoodling with a 16 year old girl behind closed doors. Seriously, what would Toby and Sarine say if they knew?

His sweet, gullible son walked into the room with a smile on his face, a smile which Gabriel unfortunately would have to rip off and smash into the ground.

"Father, have you made your decision?"

Awww, he thought, the young boy looks so hopeful.

It seemed Adrien was so willing to do whatever he wished just so his little lady could spend a couple of hours in the room he so selflessly paid for.

"Yes I have, and I've decided absolutely not. I don't think it would be a good idea to have a sixteen year old in your room with you." He took hold of the lense of his glasses and pushed them up onto the bridge of his nose, his lips remaining in the thin, harsh line, where he really wanted to crack into a smile.

He watched as his son sighed, his shoulders drooping from in response to the answer, but at the end of the day this was his house and what he said goes. He's the King of the Castle, the leader of the pack the...

"Fine, I suppose we'll just study at hers then."

Cue the record scratch.

"Excuse me?" Gabriel was dumbfounded, had Adrien not understood what he'd just said. "What do you mean? You'll'just study at hers'"

"We have exams coming up, and Marinette's assigned as my study partner. I want to make you proud and get good grades so I need to study."

Damn this child and his blackmail! Turning it on him! Now he seemed like the bad guy, and if Adrien's grades dipped it would be his fault entirely. Oh, how the tables have turned! He looked over at Adrien once more, looking for any sign that it might be Félix. After all, that one is good at this sort of thing, maybe he'd been rubbing off on Adrien. He made a mental note to not allow Felix to stay anymore.

Fine! He would play the game! Heaven forbid those results are low though, because the girl would be gone! Adrien did not need this distraction.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but smile. This was it! This was the moment he could finally get rid of Marinette Dupain-Cheng from their lives. Adrien had unknowingly played all his cards in one hand.


Point to Gabriel.


"Excuse me!"

"She can come over, but you know the rules–"

"Door stays open, she only stays for studying, any funny business she has to go home never to return again." He said the last bit in a way similar to that of the crypt keeper and Gabriel felt his blood boil.

"I hope you're not making fun of me, Adrien."

"Never would, father."

He didn't know what was happening to his wonderful, well behaved son but Adrien had suddenly changed from a golden boy to... this!

"Good. Now run along before I change my mind."

Adrien's smile was huge, Gabriel only worrying more about how hard his son would fall when he found out Marinette was just after him for what he could offer her. It was a shame really, he wanted his son to be happy, but Marinette could never give him what he needed. She wasn't one of them.

He heard the front door open and close, the sound of Adrien chatting away as a pair of in sync footsteps made their way up the staircase. He'd give it half an hour and then do his usual walk by where he was quite sure he'd find them messing around, or playing games, or even worse... kissing!

Smiling to himself, Gabriel placed his hands behind his back and walked over to Émilie's portrait. Oh yes! He thought. Their affair would soon be coming to an end.

Gabriel attempted to keep busy with some work. A doodle here, a change of colour there... yet his eyes were firmly set on his watch. Each minute adding to his anticipation of finally removing Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miss righteousness herself, from his home, and even better — their lives. This was better than Christmas.

He counted down the last ten seconds before bounding out the doorway with a hop, skip and a jump. He felt as light as a feather. So happy and ready to comfort his son as he mourned the end of his first real relationship.

Eight months and she would finally be gone.

"We need to go deeper, Marinette."

Gabriel slowed down, his son's voice peaking his curiosity. Deeper? Finally he came to a halt outside the doorway, listening in on their conversation.

"Any deeper and it's going to hurt."

WHAT????? Gabriel's eyes widened. Adrien was 17, Marinette was still only 16. They can't be.

He gulped, trying not to think about the girl in the midst of trapping his son. She was trying to get pregnant! This had to be the reason she wasn't leaving him yet. She needed his baby to get into the family bloodline. She was more conniving than he'd originally thought.

"We've got to keep going Princess, it'll get easier, you're just not used to having to cram so much in there."

"Look! Just look, you can see it's only small. It's not my fault you have a big head."

That was it. He'd heard enough. Gabriel barged into the room, guns blazing and eyes covered by his hand. The last thing he wanted to do was see his son putting his privates in places they didn't belong.

"Out!" Gabriel said, misjudging his step and placing his foot on top of a basketball, the object causing his hand to move from his face and flap around like a newly hatched bird.

Whilst trying to gain his balance, he looked towards Adrien and Marinette who were fully clothed and sitting metres apart from each other. One on the sofa, the other at his desk.

All of a sudden, he regained balance, noticing both of the teens were staring at him, eyes wide and mouths gaped in shock.

"Father!" Adrien said, standing from the sofa textbook in hands and glaring towards him; Marinette remained frozen at the desk with the same book in front of her and her hands grasping the sides of her head.

Oh, he thought, she literally meant her head! That made sense! He'd got it now! Looking between the two teens he needed to make an excuse. He couldn't exactly say he'd come in because... because... he didn't even want to think about it.

"There's a ..." Gabriel looked around the room, trying to think of a reasonable excuse for butting in so dramatically. "There's a..." He glanced once more between the two before speaking. "There's a rat... in the kitchen... we need to get out."

Adrien's panicked look to Marinette was followed by a swift movement between the two, along with some sort of silent communication. Gabriel hoped they weren't telepathically talking about him.

"I'll go home." Marinette stood swiftly and headed over to Adrien. They went to kiss, only to stop, pull back and attempt a cheek kiss only to stop again and reach out to hug each other. Before they could get too close, Gabriel coughed, both pulling back and ending in a handshake.

So maybe he hadn't got them this time, but there was no way Adrien would maintain good grades whilst 'courting' this girl. No chance at all.

... Then the worst thing happened... Adrien aced his exams.

Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now