Four Years, Four Months and Twelve Days...

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Thank you everyone who has joined in this wild ride. This fic was written as a joke to get over writers block, and I was persuaded by friends to post it, so I hope you've enjoyed.

I will be taking a little break now to get ready for Christmas one-shots and a chapter story (there is a lot to come)


"What time is Adrien due?" Nathalie was busy running around setting the table as Gabriel scanned through social media.

Adrien had arrived back in Paris earlier that day, from taking Marinette to see the Northern Lights. His son had moved out just over a month ago into a small apartment not too far from Notre Dame. It was a little simple for Gabriel's likes, but the security was good and they'd managed to keep it out of the press.

"In about 15 minutes." Gabriel continued looking through the social media accounts of both Adrien and Marinette.

They'd shockingly only posted one photo from their trip, neither of their faces really being seen, instead they were a basic black shadow against the glowing green of the aurora borealis. Once again they looked like some sort of modelling shot. Their bodies pressed together as their lips met and the fur collars of their hoods framed the underside of their faces; though this time prominent on both upper arms was the Gabriel logo shining in its hi-visibility glory. He'd been nice. He'd gifted the jackets to them both for the longevity of their trip. Marinette's that pink she liked so much and Adrien a dark camouflage green. The shot would be perfect for their next winter campaign; a damn good promotion for the brand he'd managed to sneakily get out of his son once more.

He'd only had one quick conversation with Adrien; his son was begging to come and see him as soon as he arrived home. So after dropping Marinette back at hers, Adrien was coming straight here to see his father — apparently it wasn't news that could be shared over the phone.

When Adrien finally arrived, bang on time just as his father liked it, he looked exhausted. Gabriel didn't know if it was from travelling or from...

No! Would it be too much to think that they'd split up? The Instagram post had been from the beginning of their vacation just over a week ago, which meant maybe the lack of photographs was because there was nothing to post. A hot, sweet thrill ran down his spine. This could be good, no actually, great!

"Come in." Gabriel ushered his son into the foyer, noting Adrien had his suitcase with him. "Good trip?"

Adrien smiled weakly at his father. "Yeah, it was definitely a change from the normal. Would you oppose me staying here tonight? It's just..." Adrien let out a sigh. "I'm exhausted."

"Not at all, son. Mi casa, su casa."

Adrien nodded his head before shrugging his jacket off and handing everything to George (the butler if you couldn't remember) — who had appeared from thin air. The man was like a silent ninja.

"Nathalie's set everything up and food should be ready shortly. Are you sure you're okay?"

Adrien sighed with a slight shrug. "I may have misjudged the weather one evening."

They made their way to their normal seats opposite ends of the table, Adrien dragging his feet as he walked, and sat down in usual uncomfortable silence. Nathalie arrive and served them both before leaving again.

Gabriel sat watching Adrien as he lifted his soup spoon and sucked the piping hot liquid from its metal base. One thing was for certain he would not show weakness, no matter how much the liquid burned as it went down. He studied his son, watching as he picked up the spoon, studied the molten liquid and tip it back into the bowl.

"So," Gabriel coughed after a couple of minutes, his tongue still numb from the hot soup. The words weren't as clear as they could be, but he couldn't sit in silence much longer. He was quite sure he knew what Adrien was going to tell him... the lock puppy-look the answer to all his prayers. His son had finally left Marinette, and he needed to move back home so once more Gabriel could protect him from the big bad world. Why else would his son look like someone had killed his cat? "What did you want to tell me?"

A sneer of a smile crossed Gabriel's lips as he joined his fingers and positioned them in front of himself—anticipation driving him insane. He wondered for a moment if he could stop Adrien and grab Nathalie's foam finger. With his creative ability it wouldn't take long to change the 'Jagged's #1 Fan' to 'Adrien's #1 fan', his full support to helping his son find the real lady of his dreams.

"If you must know... Marinette and I are no longer dating."

A conga line formed in Gabriel's mind; fronted by Gabriel with frilly Samba sleeves and fruit hat, Carmen Miranda eat your heart out. Oh yes! It may have taken four years but finally, finally Marinette was a goninette! (He'd work on that one). He really should have gotten Nathalie's foam finger.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Adrien. I know this time must be difficult for you but just know I'm –"

"We're engaged."

Gabriel remained staring at his son, one of his eyes suddenly taking on a rogue twitch, Adrien's smile enough to blind those already incapable of seeing. His son was smug. Adrien had played this well... too well... he probably was faking this whole cold and illness just to get him on his side and make him feel sorry for him.

"I asked her the day we went to see the Northern Lights and she said yes, it was so romantic. You're going to have a daughter-in-law." Adrien's statement was followed by a sneezing attack and a chest rattling cough. So, it seemed maybe his son wasn't exactly 100%.

Instead of commenting, all Gabriel could do was blink. This was unbelievable.

Touché Adrien, he thought, as he placed his hands down on the table and pushed himself to stand. His body turned in the direction of the door and his feet slowly took him out into the hallway where he could cry to his heart's content.

He still hadn't gotten used to Adrien having a girlfriend and now he had a fiancée...

Ah, fuck!

  A massive thank you to Rose_Minou for the fantastic artwork for this chapter 😍

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  A massive thank you to Rose_Minou for the fantastic artwork for this chapter 😍

Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now