Three Years, Eleven Months and Twenty Days...

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Christmas had finally come and gone; however, Marinette was still firmly part of their daily life. Whether by name or Adrien's attempt at getting her back into the house.

His son had spent a small fortune on her for Christmas. He had lavished her with jewellery, cuddly cats, a trip to London and front row seats to see The Phantom of the Opera; plus little tidbits and sweet treats, which was stupid really, considering she could just make the damn things herself.

But what really got to Gabriel was what she'd given Adrien. She'd really pushed the boundaries this time knowing full well he was going to hate it. Gabriel's dismay only increased when Adrien's response was to tell Gabriel he could move out with his gift — if he so wished.

However, Gabriel wouldn't fall for their little games. Even the life sized signed cardboard cutout of Ladybug would notbe enough to make him stand down, and with the new noise cancelling headphones Adrien had gotten him, he could tune his sons whining out quickly and efficiently. These things were worth their weight in gold.

Gabriel had been busy most of the day; apparently he needed to do some other work than just akumatize people, so he'd done a little designing and now was heading to the bath for a nice warm soak as snow beat hard against the windows outside. It was coming down in a freak storm. Unpredictable and shocking, and damn right annoying if you asked him.

Walking into his en-suite, headphones on and strutting like Michael Jackson, Gabriel headed to the cupboard, set on getting out his purple extra fluffy towel; the one which said 'great work today M. Agreste, go ahead and pamper yourself — you deserve it!' Locating it on the shelf, he pulled it out sharply, only for three others to follow.

Adrien's Miraculous towel collection. Ladybug, Lady Noire and a custom-made grey and pink one (not Polymouse, apparently). It seems their new maid was still learning the ropes, as the previous one knew he had no desire to dry his privates on Ladybug's face.

Gabriel gathered the towels and piled them in his arms, there wasn't a chance in hell he was keeping them in his cupboard contaminating his perfect (non-Ladybug) ones.

The song he'd been listening to changed, the soulful tune of the Bee Gees 'Night Fever' graced his ears as he danced his way across the landing with the towels in hand. Adrien was out until later, so he could sneak into his bedroom, put his towels away and then head back to his well deserved hot, relaxing bath — complete with bath salts.

He opened the door to Adrien's room and headed towards the bathroom, every now and then adding a spin or slide into his walk. As he reached the door he stopped to look back around the room. It seemed a lot emptier than when he was in here last. A couple of pictures of Marinette were placed around, including a dramatically increased and framed campfire picture from when they were 19, a couple of trophies and his Ladybug cardboard cut out.

He sauntered over to it, eyeing it up and down with disgust.

"I'll get you my pretty," he said, menacingly, "and your little cat too."

Letting out a cackle, the track changed once more in his ears. Oh yes, his little guilty pleasure. Hot Stuff.

Now, Gabriel Agreste could be a fun guy, he was a fun guy and Émilie adored him for that. So, right now, as Donna Summer sang about ripping her phone off the wall, he couldn't help the shuffle steps that came with it. He loved the Full Monty, performing, once upon a time, with some of his university peers at a local bar for charity. The night his wife had thrown herself at his masculine hip gyrations and semi toned body.

He made his way to Adrien's cupboard, opening it up and placing the towels on top of the others. He'd failed to notice the steam around the room coming from the shower, too caught up in his own dance routine and pelvic thrusts. Gabriel closed the cupboard and walked towards the mirror. Adrien by far had the best mirror in the mansion. Gabriel had mainly insisted on it for modelling purposes, that way Adrien could always look his best.

'Lookin' for a lover who needs another. Don't want another night on my own.'

After a dramatic spin, Gabriel started to unbutton his waistcoat before flicking it down to rest in the crease of his elbows. He shimmied his shoulders, commencing to rip the waistcoat off and spin it around his head, launching it into the laundry bin with shockingly good precision. Adrien had to get his basketball skills from somewhere.

He began to undo his cravat, leaving it hanging around his neck and moving his hands to his shirt. He clenched the bottom in his fists, teasing himself in the mirror as he rolled his hands and untucked the shirt.

Crossing one foot over the other, he spun around and pointed at himself in the mirror only to catch a glimpse of the younger Agreste exiting the shower and grabbing something from his vanity. Gabriel stopped and stared into the mirror, his eyes trailing over Adrien's naked form, only for the younger boy to stop, shriek and place his hands over his... *cough* yeah.

"Father!" Adrien shouted/squeaked, the mortification equal between the two of them. He stood completely starkers, his hands cupping himself as Gabriel let go of his shirt and smoothed it back down. His hands slowly gravitated back together around his back.

"Adrien." Gabriel nodded in greeting, his hands nervously playing around with each other behind his back. If he thought the sex conversation was awkward this was something else, because even though Adrien was trying to cover himself there was a slight issue — it was bigger than his hand.

Gabriel darted his attention to the opposite side of the room. His focus fixed on the doorway, and his brain begging his body to turn and walk, to walk out the door and not look back.

Come on, move!

His body wasn't responding. Instead they both remained still and silent. He was the grown up here so technically speaking he should start the conversation, maybe he should apologise for not knocking first. He turned his head, deciding he was going to be the more grown up one in the room when an object in Adrien's hands caught his attention.

A small foil packet.

He couldn't stop staring. Adrien stood completely nude with a condom in between his fingers as both hands covered his manhood.

Why did he need that?

For once his sassy son seemed to have been stumped by being caught. He looked down from his hand to Gabriel's face, his own turning a wonderful shade of pink.

Gabriel opened his mouth to speak only to stop and close it again. He had no idea what to say. This was the worst situation of his life. He just needed to turn around, walk out and never speak of this moment ever again.

Water trickled down Adrien's body and promptly Gabriel felt his own body lift, his shoulders pulling back and chest sticking out. Did he feel inferior to his son? Suddenly a whole new set of issues layered up. Maybe he should speak to a therapist. He grabbed the sides of his headphones and pulled them from his ears, lowering the headband around his neck.

"I'm - um - it can, you know, clog the drain." The smile his son gave him only just scrapped the definition. What the hell was that? He looked like a constipated Minion.

Not wanting to continue this conversation any longer, Gabriel turned and stalked out the room, in the direction of his own. Only to miss the bare hand reaching out to his son and pulling him back into the shower.

Later that evening, whilst in bed, Gabriel opened his Amazon app and ordered a 24 pack of soap on Prime Next-Day delivery.

Gabriel gets used to... (Adrien having a girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now