Chapter 20: The Legendary Player

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Chapter 20: The Legendary Player


            If it were possible I'm sure his feet would burn straight through the ground, sparking a wildfire with his steps on the way to the teleporter.

He didn't say a single word to me or anyone before taking off. Although i thought i heard him mutter underneath his breath something about "stabbing the moon?"

"Piifalo come back!" I yell after him, but it's too late. He steps inside of the circular teleporter and radiates with great force: "Floor 21."

            "Well damn, he's as rash as ever, isn't he? Jumping up 7 floors at once? Its 4:30 in the morning you idiot!" With a heavy sigh and equally weighted eyelids, I step into the teleporter and follow him inside.

An astounding white light envelopes my body, blinding me for a short few seconds. When it finally dissipates I'm left in a new, alien world. Deep snow litters the ground and rooftops. A handful of people stand around bundled up in thick winter coats, laughing along with each other. The sun still hasn't risen, yet the entire floor is lit up bright as can be.

I snap back into focus, remember why I was here. "Piifalo!" I yell, but there's no response. Shivering, I move forward hoping to come across him soon. "Where has he gone to?" I wonder aloud. "He left only a few minutes before me, how could he get so lost?" I rub my hands together, but still smiling warmly.

Walking through the town many people turn and wave to me happily. This floor was only opened up recently, so not many people are here, yet the people who made it are so kind!

Eventually I manage to reach the edge of the town walls, but no luck finding him, however as I turn to go the other way, the face of a young boy walking towards me catches my eye. He has mid-length light white hair, and soft blue eyes. His hands are in his pockets and smile is as bright as the ocean of snow. He's about my age of 15, standing at about 5'5, (165.1 cm) which is the same as e.

He stops before me and grins. "You look lost, what's up?" He asks compassionately. His voice is soft, and kind.

"O-oh, I'm just looking for a friend. He kind of rushed in here and I followed him in so I'm a little bit lost... He's probably looking for a place to train though." Crap! Did I say too much? No, he seems like a good guy, I doubt he's dangerous.

"I could help you! If you want, that is..." He blushes slightly at this, but then continues. "I came here as soon as the 19th floor boss was beaten, so I've figured my way around a bit." His eyes wander down to the snow covered ground and he grasps his hand shyly.

"Yeah, I could use some help," I smile at him, and immediately his expression brightens.

"Thank you!" he replies ecstatically, though I should be the one thanking him. "I've been pretty lonely since I've been in this game..."

"Not at all, thank you for your help!" I hesitate, realizing I don't even know his name. He has his weapons, armor and details all hidden.

"You can call me Apogee," He looks at my name above my head, "Ashas." I give him a short grin before gesturing for him to lead the way.

He takes us outside the outskirts of town, claiming that if Piifalo needed a place to train, this would be the place to go. When asked, this is where NPC's would say to go.

Finally we reach our destination. It's an area of deep snow, and constant heavy snow storm. Supposedly enemies spawn quite frequently. I can't stop my body from shaking in the harsh cold.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Apogee yells over the blistering wind. He opens up his menu and goes to his inventory. He un-equips the coat he's wearing and tosses it to me. "Sorry, I sell all the items I don't usually need, so that's the only one I've got..."

It's warm, and very comfortable. I wrap it around myself tightly, but not before thanking him incessantly. He smiles widely in return.

Suddenly a wild roar erupts behind us, breaking the silence. Without hesitation, he dashes towards it and I follow closely after. A massive white worm-like creature stands tall through the blizzard, screeching cacophonously. A figure, small in comparison stands with brio before it. It takes a moment, but I easily recognize him.

"Piifalo!" I exclaim joyously. However just as his name leaves my mouth, the worm's tail darts toward him. It slams his chest and pushes him back effortlessly. Piifalo managed to bring it's health down to 3/4, but he's at about a 1/4 himself.

He struggles back up to his feet, swaying side to side but this time with a crazed smile, his expression as explosive as a bolide. His aura radiates even through this thick brume. "Rrraaaaggghhhh!" he screams out into the heavens. "Is that the best you've got? Sword Skill Number 23: Burning Tsunami!" He charges straight for the monster, covered in a vicious red aura. He slashes deep inside the enemy, finally rolling to safety. The worm's health falls to 1/8, but after that attack Piifalo is racked with fatigue.

Almost instantly the monster begins its counter attack. It charges headfirst towards him at with terrifying force. Before I can even begin to react, it's too late. Piifalo is mere inches from death when a staggering white light smashes into the worm from the side, shattering it on impact. Piifalo falls onto his back in the snow, breathing heavily. I rush to his aid as fast as I can.

Helping him up to his feet I look around for what it was that brought down the beast. A couple meters away stands Apogee with a short sword in hand accompanied by a decorated shield. Strapped to his back is a longbow, much like the rest of his gear it shines a pale yet beautifully pure white, like an untouched pearl.

"A single arrow, huh? It was at 1/8, but I still expected it to last at least a little longer!" He switched his weapons that fast?! Not to mention he crossed past the worm so quickly I didn't even see him move!

Clad in his armor Apogee stands tall with a sang-froid. His confidence exudes divinity. It's unbelievable, he's a true simulacrum of a god standing in the heavens!

He sighs, disappointed in the fragility of his enemy. "So this is the friend you were looking for, Ashas? Not bad, he's a level 42!" If I didn't know Apogee better I'd thinking he was spiting Piifalo considering he was level 60 himself.

Behind me Piifalo growls like a cornered wolf. "Ashas, how do you know this guy?"

"W-well when you ran ahead I couldn't find you, but then I met him and he showed me the way here. His name is-" I turn to face Apogee, but something is different. After he put on his armor and weapons his details became public as well. His real name appears above his head, open to the world. "Miki?"

End of chapter 20. I thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter! I'm exited to finally show Miki and use him as a character. The Legendary Player created by Akihiko Kayaba himself! (Idk if this was the right song choice :p)

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