Chapter 25: Red Blood

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Chapter 25 (second to last): My Blood Is Red


My eyes drop to the floor as I clench my fist with every last shadow of rage built up within my heart. Bloodrush activates by itself, painting the surrounding merciless faces a demonic red.

I raise my Fireheart, pointed at the crowd before me. "Not a single one of you is leaving this place alive today. As of right now, my blade doesn't care if you run, hide, or beg for forgiveness. Fireheart thirsts for your blood, and so it shall drink."

Somewhere in the mass of murders a familiar voice calls out, the voice of Miki. "A phenomenal speech, dear Piifalo. Excellent command of language, but a speech means nothing if you can't-" He stops in the middle of his response as blood erupts from the neck of the man before him, with no cause to be seen. For the first time since I had met him, genuine shock and distress crosses his face.

The moment passes soon enough however when the limp dead body falls to the floor. A smile returns to Miki's face along with indescribable sadistic glee. "Haha! I take it back, Piifalo! You're fantastic!"

The green indicator above my head shakes violently at my action, but retains the same emerald color, contrasting the sea of red players before me.

Don't get too comfortable, Miki. Or it'll be your blood on my blade next...

And so it begins.

Charging headfirst into enemy lines I roll past waves of swords and axes, just waiting to slice through me. Fireheart slides through my opponents easily, with little to no resistance at all.

I can feel the indicator above my head convulsing violently, but I push ahead regardless. Ashas' eyes keep the flame inside my heart burning to higher temperatures, giving me more strength than I had ever felt before.

She wouldn't be here to begin with if only I had the strength to stop them earlier... "I won't let you be the one to die because of my mistakes! Sword Skill Number 23: Burning Tsunami!" Standing in the thick of the enemies allows the circular slash to mow down a plethora of Coffins at once, dropping their health instantly.

In just a few seconds I had wiped out almost half of the enemy force and I had taken a giant leap towards my goal.

"Ahaha!" Ryuga's booming laugh breaks the silence just as his dark aura spills into the open air. "What a great show you've put on!" He cackles. "But are you feeling alright there? You're looking a little yellow!"

My eyes flash above my head, catching a glimpse of the indicator. The radiant green is replaced by a foreboding yellow, like the fading glow of a setting sun. "Tch, that makes no difference to me. Who knows? Maybe it'll turn red once when I have your head," I glare daggers back at his jeering eyes.

Ryuga lets loose another hefty laugh. "Jokes aside though, you're not looking so good. At this rate you might not make it!"

I hadn't noticed until now, but my body was beginning to feel heavy and my breathing has become dangerously ragged and uneven. Being in this state must be eating up my energy must faster than anything else. I wonder how long I'll last...

"At this point I think I'd like to finish you off myself while you've still got lots of fight left in you!" Ryuga lunges forward with incredible force, wearing the same psychotic smile.

His first attack is a straightforward stab aimed between my eyes. I slip just barely enough to the right allowing the blade to whistle past my ear before firing a powerful kick into his chest, knocking him onto his back. The blow drops his health by a full ¼ but the smile never leaves his face.

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