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The Red Player Epilogue

Two men sit next to each other at the bar, talking in hushed voices. Both players are capable fighters, high levels with powerful skills and weaponry. The rest of the tavern is empty, but they keep their voices low regardless.

Suddenly one of them lowers his head to the other, and speaks in a whisper. "Hey, have you heard about that player who entered the Laughing Coffin hideout and nearly wiped out the guild? I heard that he even beat the leader, cut off his arm and everything..."

"Yeah, I heard some talk of it earlier. People have been spreading rumors throughout every floor and every town, but no one has made any announcements. They're all afraid of getting killed by him!"

"I can't say I blame them. If one guy has enough strength to wipe out an entire guild like that he must be invincible! In fact I'd been thinking of joining the Laughing Coffin guild, but I'm glad I didn't. Who could stand a chance against a monster like that?"

"The guild got wiped out the day I went to join. I guess I got lucky..."

"Hey who do you think that player is? The one who killed them all.

"Everyone's just been calling him 'The Red Player,' but I've heard some people talking about tough players that might be strong enough to pull it off. There's the leader of The Knights of the Blood Oath guild, Heathcliff. Some people have also said that it might be Kirito; the Black Swordsman, the one who went toe-to-toe with Heathcliff. Either way they're both green players, not some psychos on killing sprees. Those two are real heroes."

The pair nod to each other before getting out of their seats and heading out the door in separate ways.

Seconds later another man who sat in the back corner covered in full back armor stands up from his seat quietly, walking out the door and to the left.

Silently he shadows one of the men, following him to a deserted area, and then he strikes. In the blink of an eye the man in black gone, only to appear in front of his target. Before his target can react, he pulls out a massive single edged black claymore and cleaves his enemy in half, killing him instantly.

"Real heroes, huh... There's no such thing..."

The Red Player Book 2 is coming soon

The Red Player (A Sword Art Online story)Where stories live. Discover now