Chapter 22: Moonlit Victory

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Chapter 22: Moonlit Victory


"Good," He says with a dark smile. "It seems I've finally ruffled you a bit." I clench my fist as tightly as I can, glaring into eyes with all my strength.

Laughing Coffin huh? Player killers who kill for no reason if not for fun. I don't exactly have the best experiences with them considering our last run in. Hajime and Ryuga...

"If memory serves," Miki taps the top of his head with his finger mockingly. "which it does, then you've met one of the captains of the Laughing Coffin guild, along with his lieutenant, correct? Hajime and Ryuga?" Hearing his name spoken burns his image back into my mind. The dark aura, flooded with fear. "Well you're in luck, because I've called them over! It'll be a nice little reunion..."

"D-Damn you! I'll just have to kill you before they get here!" I say charging toward him. Bloodrush! The once white field fades to a dark mystifying red. He managed to find me last time, even through this technique... I'll just have to pick it up! All of my energy, every last drop!

Miki steps in to meet my charge with his shield as expected. With a smirk I roll to the right, but before he has time to follow I've already made my way to his back. "Die, damn it!" I thrust my Fireheart forward with all my strength, aimed at his exposed back. Just before it makes contact Miki rolls away through the snow, and turns to face me with his sword, Moonlight.

He caught me in my follow-through! Fireheart weighs 100 pounds, I can't pull it back in time to defend myself! Miki shoves his sword at my chest. The blade shines red, glimmering faintly from the cloud covered sun. Caught in a panic I drop to my knees and pull my chest back. Moonlight slices through my thick coat. I need some way to make space between us! With all my strength I whip my leg out from under me and kick him in the chest from the ground. He jumps back to a safe distance, as I make my way back to my feet.

The red drains from my vision and returns to normal. After two Bloodrushes in a row my breathing barely sustains me, and I feel like collapsing.

I gave that attack everything I had and more! How could he have countered me so perfectly? If my ultimate skill isn't enough to stop him, then where can I possibly go from here?

Miki smiles coolly and cocks his head to the side. "Hopefully you have an attack that I somehow don't know about, because if that's you're best effort then you're seriously gonna regret challenging me!"

"Tch," I stumble on my feet. "If I can't beat him fresh then this is going to be a massive issue..."

Suddenly a figure clad in long, dark blue robe stands before me. No, not standing, balancing upon a tall black and blue staff. The tip is hardened white crystal, to match his white hair...

"What's wrong, Piifalo? Aren't you having fun fighting at full strength? Killing your enemies - protecting people?" The man's voice is unmistakable. I look into his eyes, unsure what to think other than disbelief. He returns my gaze. "Hogosuru," he laughs.

Daisuke...Thoughts begin swirling in my mind. Daisuke... I'm not sure how to feel, but anger seems to rise above all else. Daisuke! Before I know it my mind is inundated with emotion, and loathing.

"Hey!" Daisuke yells to me, suddenly serious. "Don't tell me you've forgotten, I can see into your mind! I taught you how to survive in this world, how to help others survive too, so you'd better throw away that anger and be grateful I'm here to save you!" Daisuke's expression is furious, angry with me beyond belief. His bright red aura burns hotter than my burning tsunami.

"I-I'm so sorry... Daisuke," whatever emotion I had before immediately turns to regret and shame. How could I have ever wanted to bring harm to – to kill my golden master? I bow my head to him and beg for forgiveness.

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