Chapter 2: Just a Flesh Wound

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Chapter 2: Just a Flesh Wound


I fold his right arm gently over his chest, leaving the other by his side on the bed. The gash is still wide open, but it’s beginning to heal. The moment I saw he had fallen unconscious I picked him up and rushed him over to this hotel to ensure that man wouldn’t find us again.

Seeing him in this state is completely different than I expected. He’s so unlike I how I remembered him. The way he is now makes him so vulnerable, like another person entirely! It’s – it’s kind of cute…

I placed his gear next to his bed, leaning against the wall. He didn’t have many items on hand with him, most are either in his inventory or held somewhere else. All I could find was his sword, which had been pretty badly damaged from the “fight.” Carrying it here was torturous from the weight. It has to be at least 15 pounds!

The weapon didn’t look like it would be all that heavy, it’s still just a starting weapon. It only requires level 1 to wield, but yet I can’t imagine ever using it in battle. He isn’t much bigger than me anyways. He’s only a few inches taller and slightly built. It must be quite powerful to still be in use on floor 10 of Aincrad*. I’ve already gone through 2 other weapons, although it looks like he’s gonna need a new one himself after this.

I try to see the name of his sword, but it’s been blocked from public viewing I begin to think about any reasons why he might have done something like that. Maybe it’s got some sort of secret about him that he doesn’t want anyone to find out. Perhaps it’s something embarrassing about him… I let out a small laugh before continuing. Or, could it be that the name is something precious to him! Suddenly I blush and shake my head slightly at the thought.

I look into his solemn face. His eyes are shut lightly, and his body appears to be completely relaxed. I reach over and brush a strand of hair out of his eyes. I’m about to stand up to give him some space when I hear the bed creak beneath me.


I stare blankly at her face trying to register what exactly had happened to get me here. I was fighting with that guy from laughing coffin when this girl jumped out of nowhere and ruined it! Somehow I ended up here on this bed… and the girl is here too… Wait a minute…

As fast as the game will let me I launch myself out of the bed and grab onto the top of the bedpost with my right arm. “Who the hell are you?!” I ask determined to continue hanging from the post even after I remember that my arm has been torn open.

Instantly after hearing this she looks hurt, as if someone had just taken a claymore to her shoulder – or her heart. She turns away and begins to make her way to the door without a word.

I let go of the post and hit the ground hard, but get up as quickly as I can to stand between her and the door. “Hey, who are you?” I say to her, but she just turns her face again. Despite her best efforts I can see a single glistening tear glide down her cheek. For a moment I relent and blink in confusion. D-did I say something? I quickly regain my focus, but something inside me restrains my force. “I’m sorry, but have we met before?”

Just then an idea shoots into my head and I take a step back. Oh god she must be a friend of that guy I accidentally stabbed on floor 4! She must be out for blood now! She wasn’t saving me from that Laughing Coffin guy, she was trying to steal his kill! She must be feeling remorse or something…

“Ok, I think I remember now,” I say quietly not wanting to spark her desire to kill me again. Suddenly her face brightens up, even with a small smile. Welp, I’m dead. I’ve triggered her. I’ll just keep trying, just in case. “Look, I’m sorry about your friend, and I wish I could make it up to you,” I say softly. “Please forgive me.”

Immediately she runs up to me and hugs me tightly. Umm… what? “I’m so glad you’ve remembered!” She exclaims happily. This is definitely some sort of trick. She must have a sort of concealed knife, and she’s just waiting to stab me. “But I should really be thanking you. You saved me and my friend from that boss room. My friend made it out ok thanks to you. You don’t have to apologize.” Her bright and wide grin lights up the entire room. Oh I see what’s happened here.


End of Chapter 2. This chapter was (thankfully) longer than the last.

Hopefully interesting too.

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