The Boys bio

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FULL NAME: David Jean Valdez

Main ALIAS: Superman

ALIAS: Invincible, Subject David, Breaker of the Bronze God, He Who Returned from the Land of Death, Wanderer of a Thousand Winters, The Smiting Blade, The Sleeping God, D, Grandchild of God, David Lord of Blades, Agent David, The Sun's Left Hand, Homelander Equal or Superior, The World's Greatest Superhero, My Greatest Work (by Jonah Vogelbaum), Superman, Superboy, Man of Steel, The Man Of Legend



HEIGHT: 6'2" (188 m)

WEIGHT: 165 Ibs (75 Kg)


AGE: 25


PERSONALITY: David became well-known for the energetic, kindhearted, pure heart and caring personality

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PERSONALITY: David became well-known for the energetic, kindhearted, pure heart and caring personality. He was taught to be compassionate and respectful to others . He takes most situations in stride; he rarely lets things get him worked up; he quickly got over losing his tail each time He is however not without fear. David is shown to be submissive to overbearing women. In the anime, he also has aichmophobia, a crippling fear of needles. He is not beyond feeling sorrow, most noticeably seen from the loss of his grandfather. He is not above feeling shame, as he regrets his lack of maturity as a person despite all the teachers who have helped him and likewise wants to make his loved-ones proud of him. He also shows genuine concern for the well-being of those close to him. He is well-noted for his love of any food, even by any standards, which can be comical at times. David loves combat and to challenge strong opponents. As such, David rarely shows nervousness or fear when fighting. While not arrogant in his abilities (especially compared to homelander), David has a tendency to be too relaxed and recklessly challenge anyone he views as strong to a fight. Despite his fighting spirit, he is, at heart, a pacifist, as he often spares his enemies, trying to avoid hurting or even killing people if possible and never using more strength than necessary. He also strongly believes that people can change for the better, despite the former wanting to kill him. This, combined with his naturally gentle nature, can lead to him letting his guard down. David is pure of heart, possessing no negative feelings or thoughts. He is highly loyal to his friends and family and is extremely protective of them as a result. He loves them very much that he is willing to sacrifice himself to save others. He strongly believes in repaying debts. He is a man of his word, committed to keeping his promise no matter what.

DATE OF BIRTH: August 8ths

OCCUPATION: Superhero, Second in command of The Seven

AFFILIATION: Vought International, The Seven, The Boys

FAMILY: Homelander (Adopted older brother)

ROMANCES: Starlight

Power and Abilities:::::::::::::::::::::::::

Super Strength: David possesses immense physical strength. David has been shown to be one of the physically strongest beings shown and the strongest superhero on earth. He can lift and move weight in excess of thousands of tons without any visible strain while being able to break and damage strong materials with ease. He was able to casually throw a baseball across the Earth and create a town destroying avalanche with a single punch.

Flight: David can fly along with being able to do so at tremendous speeds allowing him to travel anywhere in the world quickly with trans continental flight taking him mere minutes if not seconds. It is shown that he can travel interstellar distances on his own without aid.

Nigh-Invulnerability: David is nigh-invulnerable. He can endure physical trauma that would most definitely kill other beings. However, this does not mean he cannot be injured. Sufficient amounts of force and or power are capable of hurting David.

Accelerated Healing: David heals at a much faster rate than other beings. He is also immune to all Earthly diseases and ailments.

Longevity: David has an incredibly long lifespan. He is capable of living, and has lived, for thousands of years and, age slower as they grow older, he retains the appearance of a muscular middle-aged man.

Super Senses: David was able to hear an approaching baseball. His other senses are also superhuman enough to allow David to move at superhuman speeds without getting disoriented.

Genetic Superiority (Tentative): It is possible that David has biological genes that not only surpass those of human beings.

Charisma: David is very charismatic, being able to get public support by giving them impressive speeches which most of the time are improvised by himself. He can easily attract people with his charm and confidence and give them the image of an ideal patriotic hero. It should be noted that his ability to win over others seem to has no limits.

Master Combatant: David is a trained warrior which makes him a highly skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant.

Pyrokinesis: He can create powerful torrents of green ghost fire that can break through the ground. Furthermore, his hair is made of white fire, (the hotest fire known to man) a ghostly flames that can ignite flammable objects. It is possible that he controls whether his ponytail is stationary or flaming, as it is sometimes motionless like normal hair.

Ecto-Storms Creation: Before battle with David created some kind of storm in the background.

Ghost Ray: David can fire powerful ghost rays. His blasts are composed of green and white ectoplasm. Even without using his full power, David can blow apart a good portion of a multi-story building. He can also fire ghost rays in the form of powerful sliding waves of ecto-energy capable of knocking people several feet away.

Ghost Stinger: David used this electric attack to instantly drain his enemy's power knocking them out.

Energy Strike: David can channel his energy into his fist for a powerful blow.

Ecto-Energy Constructions: David has formed objects such as binds and ropes out of ecto-energy. He creates Exto-Energy Rope to bind enemy s and another one during battle's. He shot ectoplasmic goo from his fingertips in order to bind his foes and gag people.

Ghostly Wail: A unique power only possessed by David, David can generate an extremely powerful sonic scream, with a moaning ghost-like sound. This power is so strong that it causes terrible pain to ghosts and damage tangible matter, caused an earthquake, and destroyed everything in it path. He used it a second time to blow away a whole army of tanks and helicopters, crumbling buildings, and shattering glass with this power.

Spectral Body Manipulation: David can easily stretch his body or create holes in it, as well as turn his head around 180 degrees

Telekinesis: Visible in the form of green energy emanating from his hands and surrounding the subject of the telekinesis. He can use his telekinesis to render his enemies immobile.

David superhero costume look

David superhero costume look

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