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« comatose teenage boy »

CHAPTER ONE!« comatose teenage boy »

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She was sick of the other campers, sick of the gods, sick of seeing seemingly everyone get claimed and not her. She still wondered how exactly she was a demigod, she didn't fit in anywhere.

She wasn't good at archery or healing like the Apollo kids, she wasn't exceptional at fighting like the Ares kids, She didn't have a green thumb, she wasn't good at pickpocketing, she didn't have an affinity for mechanics.

She just didn't fit.

Her place in the Hermes cabin was only cemented by the fact that she was a wanderer, unclaimed, nowhere to fit in. She was alone.

She was also alone right now in the sword arena. Sword fighting was legitimately the only think she was semi decent at, that and using a spear but she preferred a sword.

There was sweat dripping down her back. her hair was stuck to her forehead, the training dummy in front of her was the last one in the row. She sucked in a deep breath and readied her sword. Just as she was about to get started, a voice rung out from the doorway.

"How many rounds is this?"

Aurora whirled around to see Annabeth standing in the doorway. Her honey-blonde hair was out for once, flowing down her shoulders, her grey eyes were intense as they stared into hers.

"Um, ten i think?" She said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck.

Annabeth pushed off of the doorway and walked over to her, "You can't go for so long, Aurora. You're going to pass out from exhaustion," She placed a hand on the girl's forehead, "And you're burning up. You need to go to the infirmary."

"One more round?" Aurora asked.

Annabeth just glared at her. She rolled her eyes and followed the blonde back to the big house. As they walked into the lounge room, Chiron looked up.

"Aurora? Annabeth?" He asked, his eyes twinkling worriedly, "Is something wrong, my dears?"

Annabeth nodded and answered before the redhead could, "She's been training too much, and she has a fever."

Chiron nodded, "I see. Well, head to the infirmary. I believe Lee is in there, he'll sort you out."

Aurora internally groaned, Lee was going to kill her. He had already lectured her numerous times on the amount she trained. But with her being mediocre at everything but Sword fighting, what else was she supposed to do?

As they entered the infirmary, Lee looked up from where he was sitting. His eyes immediately narrowed, and his lips turned into a scowl.

"Aurora Santoro," He sighed, "Why am i not surprised."

He ushered her to a bed and took a look at her. Blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, the works. He pursed his lips when he was finished, "You're run down, you're exhausted and dehydrated, your body can't keep up with it."

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