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alternatively titled: the princess andromeda

CHAPTER FOURalternatively titled: the princess andromeda

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She jumped from her bed, it was Percy's voice, and he was screaming for help. She quickly pulled on some clothes, as she had a feeling that if she left, she wouldn't be back for a while. Checking that she had her ring, she raced out the door. 

Tyson, Keiryn and Annabeth had run out of their respective cabins at the same time. The four of them shared a look and raced towards the beach. Percy's voice grew louder the closer they got. They raced through the sand dunes, not letting the slippery footing stop them.

They reached the top of the hill and skidded down it, to much surprise, Percy was perfectly fine. He was standing on the beach next to a picnic blanket next to five yellow duffel bags. Keiryn ran down and hugged him, before pulling back and punching him in the arm.

Aurora had her sword out as she whirled around, "What's going on? We heard you calling for help!"

Keiryn crossed his arms, "Yeah, we heard you yelling 'Bad things are attacking!'"

"I didn't call you guys," He said. "I'm fine."

"But then who ..." Annabeth noticed the five yellow duffel bags, then the thermos and the bottle of vitamins Percy was holding. "What—"

"Just listen," He said. "We don't have much time."

He explained his run in and conversation with Hermes. By the time he was done, they could hear screeching in the distance—patrol harpies picking up their scent.

"Percy," Annabeth said, "we have to do the quest."

"We'll get expelled, you know. Trust me, I'm an expert at getting expelled."

"So? If we fail, there won't be any camp to come back to."

"Yeah, but you promised Chiron—"

"I promised I'd keep you and Rory from danger. I can only do that by coming with you! Tyson can stay behind and tell them—"

"I want to go," Tyson said.

"No!" Annabeth's voice sounded close to panic. "I mean ... Percy, come on. You know that's impossible."

Aurora knew why she was so afraid of Tyson, of course. But it wasn't her place or the time to explain, so she spoke up, "Annie, if we leave him he'll get in trouble for our absence. He needs to come, and who knows, he might be helpful."

The blonde clearly didn't like it, but she crossed her arms, "Fine."

"Now that that's settled," Keiryn said, rubbing his hands up and down his arms to stay warm, "How do we get to that ship?"

"Hermes said my father would help."

"What are you waiting for, Aquaman?! We're kind of in a hurry."

"Urm, Dad?" He called. "How's it going?"

Aurora internally facepalmed, she may have not known who her father was for very long but she did know that this wasn't the way to get a god's attention. 

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