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alternatively titled: paradise packs a punch

CHAPTER TEN!alternatively titled: paradise packs a punch

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Aurora didn't want to love it, that made it harder to leave when the time came, but she did. Hylla showed them the whole place. It reminded her of pictures she'd seen of Santorini. Everything was made of white marble, similar to what she remembered about Olympus, which sparkled with the sun beaming down on it. There were a thousand kinds of tropical flowers in planted along the climbing terraces, shining with droplets of water as if it had just rained. 

The most impressive place by far was the library. It was all dark and wooden panelled, a stark contrast to the bright, summery hues of everything else in the place. Books lined the walls and were stacked on shelves in the room. Each one had a sleek hard cover in varying colours, from soft, deep blues to muted maroons. There was a ladder that could slide along each of the walls so you could reach the highest books. It looked like something out of a disney movie.

The last place the two went to was the salon, they washed and braided Aurora's hair across the top, combing some curl defining product through the rest. There were strands of gold threaded through the braid.

The stylists put Aurora in a silk dress in the same style as C.C's, except it was a deep, forest green colour. It brought out her eyes and complimented her skin tone really nicely. She didn't see Annabeth at all during her makeover, as she was getting her own, it was a huge surprise when they saw each other again.

Two words to describe what Annabeth looked like; Jaw. Dropping. 

Her grey eyes were shining with happiness, a smile pulling at her lips. She was also dressed in a sleeveless silk dress except it was white, and there was a golden cord around her waist supporting her newly polished dagger. Delicate golden bands decorated her biceps.

Annabeth's hair was braided with strands of gold that shimmered and flickered as she moved. She was wearing makeup for the first time ever, it wasn't so much that it overpowered her natural beauty, but it accented it. It highlighted the doe-likeness of her eyes, the contours of her cheekbones and the perfect shape of her lips.

Aurora felt a blush creeping across her cheeks just looking at her. She looked down at the floor and rubbed the back of her neck, clearing her throat, "Should we go find the boys?"

Annabeth didn't answer for a moment as she looked over Aurora with those sparkling eyes. She snapped out of her daze and spoke like she'd just had the wind knocked out of her, "Yeah... Yeah we should."

They managed to make it back to the room they met CC in, only getting lost once. If Aurora was being honest, she was a little slow because she just kept staring at Annabeth.

Aurora peeked her head around the doorway, "Miss C.C?"

She and Annabeth stepped inside the room, glancing around the room quickly. Annabeth frowned, "Where are the boys?"

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