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It was a lovely morning a cute little omega, looking  like a small fluff ball sleeping in his comfortable bed

Jimin wakes up you sleepy head u gotta be late for your university jin screamed from the kitchen.

Jimin flashed open his eyes and remembered that this is the first day of his university
He got up from his bed and rushed to do his morning routine and climbed downstairs. He looked at the clock he still had 1 hour to go. He stared at Jin sending draggers to him.

Why are you glaring at me jin asked?
Hyung I still have 1 hour to go to the uni why did you scare me. Yah I just do it for your good so that don't have to rush jin snarled. They started to argue they didn't notice a sweaty alpha entering their kitchen.

When you guys will stop he said in his  teasing voice both omega's turned to the direction of the sound there standing Jungkook standing all sweaty and handsome as always smiling at them

Jimin started to blabber things to jungkook. Alright, Jimin Hyung where are you going jungkook inquired

Jimin is going to his university it's his first day. Jin said but the mating season is going to begin jungkook said.
Jimin Hyung come here I'm going to spread my scent on you said jungkook coming close to jimin and spreading his scent on Jimin nuzzling his nose on the crook of Jimin's neck

Alright, I'm going Jimin said and went to his university.

Jungkook he is not a small kid jin said. Yeah I know Hyung, I just want to protect him. With that jungkook went to his room. Jin sighed.


Jimin sat on his seat and waited for his class to start a tall handsome alpha entered the class Jimin felt butterflies on the bottom of his stomach

Hello class my name is Kim Nam Joon and I am an alpha today I'm here to tell you guys about the violence against omegas. Jimin couldn't take his eyes out him he was staring at him for the whole class.

Likewise, all alphas are not the same all alphas don't just want lust but love he finished his lecture. But jimin doesn't realize that the class was over and he is still staring at namjoon.

Do you want something namjoon asked. N-no nothing alright then see you guys later namjoon said and left

Jimin felt his cheeks burning he ran out of the university and bumped into someone. Jimin hastily asked sorry and left leaving his dairy behind. the man he bumped looked at the dairy and was about to call the boy but he was nowhere to be found.

ALPHA'S OBSESSION | TAEKOOK X YOONMIN Where stories live. Discover now