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The next morning ~

The next morning is not a usual morning .
Jimin did not woke up by yoongis voice ringing on his ears . He didn't felt a warm palm on his cheeks.
Jimin opened his eyes only to be welcomed by emptiness and coldness of his room. He woke up and cane downstairs . He was expecting a delecious smell of pancakes and breakfast. But the kitchen is empty and clean as it was never used.jimin felt his heart pang.

His eyes roamed over the hall only to find a cuddling taekook on the sofa . They looked so good and comfortable in each other's arms . Taehyungs head is resting on jungkooks chest while jungkooks arms were around taehyung like a shield protecting his mate. Jimin felt disgusted on himself as he didn't gave any chance to yoongi
He thought that yoongi also protect and cuddle with him . Yoongi never said he can't. But jimin never allowed him to do so.

He wiped a tear rolled on his cheek and went near taekook to ruffle thier hair looking at them fondly . With a broken heart.

He went upstairs now standing on yoongis closed door. Thinking that does he even have right to touch tye door.

He heard mumbling sounds behind the door . He slowly opened the door to find yoongi on the floor curled up like a ball shivering and mumbling something.

Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he is begging to some one

"Please please don't don't do it" yoongi mumbled as he tightened the grip on his pillow grew tighter.

" y-yoongi" jimin whispered as he touch yoongis forehead

Thankfully he dosent had any fever. "Yoong-" jimins body froze when yoongi said the next thing.

" please jimin please don't kill my baby please I'm begging you" yoongu whimpered.

Jimin closed his mouth with his hands not to let out any sob and ran downstairs. He washed his face and saw himself in the mirror. He felt disgusted .

Jimin calmed himself and told himself that he can't let go yoongi he wants his mate. He hurt his mate . He made a deep wound and its time to put medicine in it. Jimin thaught and put his ego in the dustbin and went towards downstairs to make breakfast.

Jimin made yoongis favorite breakfast . Tae woke up by the delecious smell and thought it was his brother but he saw jimin in the kitchen all messy .

" jimin hyung" Tae called in his raspy morning voice . " hey Tae common fresh up let's eat breakfast" jimin said Tae being a pregy omega and has wild mood swings dosent remember that jimin tried to kill his nephew.

" kookie kookie, alpha wake up"tae shook jungkook aggressively making jungkook wake up in fear
"What happened is there a earthquake Tae are you alright" jungkook put his hands on taehyungs shoulder. " I'm fine sleepy bunny jimin made us breakfast come.lets go eat" Tae said smiling widely.
"Yeah sure bub" jungkook said little sad remembering last day.

" good morning jungkook" jimin said in his melodious voice
But jungkook didn't response as he sat quietly and had his breakfast.
Taehyung was sitting on jungkooks lap as he fed jungkook and jungkook fed taehyung creasing his belly time to time .
" aren't you gonna eat jimine~~" taehyung whined.
They heard footsteps comming downstairs .
It was yoongi he was fully dressed in black he was looking different his face once held kindness and love but its all frozen now.

" hyungiee~~~" Tae ran towards yoongi as he hugged him like a koala

" yes taebear" yoongi asked in a voice without soul

" common hyung let's eat breakfast
It's so delecious jimin hyung made it" Tae said smiling.

" I'm not hungry taebear "yoongi said as he kissed taes forehead
" I'm leaving now" yoongi said as he walked towards the door
"Y-yoongi" jimin tried to call him but yoongi ignored him and went out.

"I should make him lunch" jimin made himself. Jimin wore the outfit yoongi gave him in his birthday and took the lunch box and left to yoongis office.

"I'm here to see the leader min yoongi"jimin said with a warm smile
" may I ask you who you are to him sir" the receptionist asked with a warm voice." Oh im his mate" jimjn said pink tinted on his face." Welcome sir will inform sir about your arrival " the receptionists said and told him tongo to the 13th floor jimin went to the elevator at the moment the elevator opened he saw a person he never thought he'll see

It was hoseok his eyes were red and puffy indicating he was crying . Jimin saw hoseok and averted his gaze. " jimin how are you" hoseok asked jimin snapped his head towards hoseok and just nod his head " getting lunch for yoong- for pack alpha " hoseok asked smiling small.

"Yes " jimin said bowing a little, hoseok started to walk but jikin stopped him " Mr. Jung hoseok I want to ask you something " jimin asked confusion was clearly on his face.
"Yeah sure Mr.min" hoseok called jimin with yoongis surname." Um why you refuse to abort yoongis baby" jimin asked creasing his belly.
" well I think you know the answer " hoseok said smiling sadly." You were yoongis boyfriend." Jimin asked . "Szss I can't even use the word boyfriend .I betrayed him bec- " hoseok cut-off his sentence in the midway getting scared after it. "Because " jimin asked telling hoseok to continue ."  Nothing leave it go get the food to alpha it will get cold" hoseok said walking hastily .

" what the heck , I can't even know about yoongis past " jimin stomped towards the pack leaders room.
Jimin knocked before going in. When he entered inside he saw a very well cleaned office room and a big monitor screen and only keyboard taping sounds were heard.

Yoongi dosent even peek outside his computer as jimin arrived he continued to tap on the keyboard jimin was about to step forward and stopped when yoongi said." Why are you here" yoongi asked voice cold and stiff no love no care and no warmth.

" I got you lunch yoongi" jimin said in a small voice that's when yoongis index finger points out somewhere jimin snapped his head towards the direction to see plastic wrappers and yaki soba box. Jimin understood that yoongi had his lunch.

" Alpha the other pack leaders are here" a young girl she was so beautiful . She called yoongi in a melodious voice her voice is filled with warmth and care not even a single percentage of wrong intentions.
" yes" yoongi said getting up from the chair fixing his tuxedo in the mirror and started to go without even giving a glance to jimin. " yo-" before he could finish his sentence the door was closed only jimins silent sobs were heard.

"Hey don't do it it tickles please please jungkook stop it"tae said rolling on the soft mattress as jungkook is tickling him

"Alpha stop I feel ah ah " Taes smile vanished as he put on a painfully expression pretending to be hurt . " where does it hurt ". Jungkook said looking around taes body . Tae started to silently laugh as he saw his alphas pale face and trembling eyes.

"Alpha I'm alright u see " Tae said as he stood in his knees . Jungkook pushed him on the mattress and hovered over him "you think is funny omega" jungkook said as he came closer and closer to the omega .
" no alpha"the omega said truthfully you were not stopping the tickles that's why" Tae said pouting . " you need a punishment." Jungkook said as he ghosted his lips over taehyungs neck. Tae moaned as he didn't feel this in last 2 months. " then punish me alpha " Tae said making jungkook widen his eyes. "What you're pregnant baby " jungkook said his face showing signs of excitement
"I asked the doctor she said it's fine to have sex but not too rough" Tae said as he creased jungkooks chest.

"Why didn't you tell me this "jungkook asked , " well she said it should be gentle sex but you're a beast" Tae said chuckling .
Tae circled his arms over jungkook and said ." I want you alpha please devour me " Tae said In a erotic voice.
" my pleasure majesty " jungkook said smashing thier lips.

ALPHA'S OBSESSION | TAEKOOK X YOONMIN Where stories live. Discover now