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" jungkook ah look at his hands they're so tiny " Tae cooed at the yoonmin baby

" just like you " jungkook said teasingly

" Hey I'm not tiny I'm a big bish" Tae said humping

" yeah big man " jungkook said looking at Tae fondly.

" Hey its been a while yoongi hyung got inside what's happening " jungkook asked Tae

" well they may be cuddling " Tae said with a smug smile

" ah what's the bet " jungkook said

" ice cream " Tae said

Taekook peeked through the small gap in the Door to see jimin and yoongi sleeping in each other's embraces.

" told ya get me icecream" tae Said flicking his imaginary hair"

" I think you'll like a hot icecream " jungkook said with a dirty smile

" hot icecream" taehyung asked with his Bambi eyes.

" yes its here downthere" jungkook said pointing his member .

" ahh stop you pervert " taehyung slapped jungkooks arms while jungkook laughing his ass out


" taehyung ah he won't stop crying I'm scarred " jimin said rocking jihun in his arms .

"Ah jimine Pabo give him to Me I'll make him sleep" Tae borrowed jihun from jimin as he rocked the baby and jihun went asleep

Jimin sighed loudly siting on the bed rubbing his forehead .Tae put tye baby on the crib and saw jimin rubbing his head . He went to him and Sat beside him

" what happened hyung why are you so sad " taehyung asked rubbing jimins back .

" i-im such a horrible dad aren't I " jimin asked his voice breaking a bit

" Hey.. . Jimine" Tae whispered lifted jimins head to see jimins teary eyes looking at him with pain

" what happened hyung why are you crying " Tae asked panicking a bit .

" I can't even put my baby asleep I'm so irresponsible "

" I-im good for nothing " jimin said breaking down on taes chest.

" oh God jimin hyung stop crying first " Tae said wiping his tears with the pad of this thumb

" you're the most amazing person hyung your realized you're mistakes and shortcomings and tried to correct it you're the best Dad , the baby he is just hungry hyung it's dosent mean that you're a bad dad. Don't pressure yourself." Tae said smiling

" thank you Tae " jimin said in a small voice.

Suddenly the baby started to cry again jimin panicked again
" Tae why is he crying now " jimin asked

" I told you he is hungry hyung feed him " Tae said giving jihun to jimin

Tae was standing there and jimin frowned his eyebrows

" um Tae what are you looking for " jimin asked
" you want me to leave ? " Tae asked

"Yeah you thought you'll stay here " jimin said his face red.

" Alright minion I'm going " Tae said closing the door behind him

Jimin unbutton his shirt revealing one half on his body and his dark nipples and attached jihun to himself as jihun started to suck at his papa's tidies for milk .

Jimin closed his eyes feeling his baby attached to him . He felt so happy and warm he was patting the babies back and jihun drinking his papa's milk as it was his favorite food.

ALPHA'S OBSESSION | TAEKOOK X YOONMIN Where stories live. Discover now