The Lucky Commision

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You headed towards the adventure guild looking for new commissions. "Ad adstra abassaque" (sorry for my spelling) kathryne said. I smiled at her

"is there any commissions you'd like me to do? I'm free"

I asked her politely. She started to sort a bunch of papers and gave me one. I read it carefully.

Eye of The Storm spotted near wolvendom. Please head over straight away. Reward:
10 primogems
10,000 Mora

I nodded to kathryne as a gesture I'll take it. As I left down the stairs she shouted,

"be careful y/n!"

I waved to her and grinned. Heading to wolvendom I collected some wolf hooks. I was careful with the delicate spikes wich can cause damage. After plopping them into my pouch I came across what I was looking for, the Eye of the Storm. My polearm appeared next to me.

I ran towards the enemy not realising there was a blonde almost white haired boy sitting slump against a rock. I froze the opponent. And at the corner of my eye I finally realised the boy. I quickly finished the commission heading straight towards the boy after. He was still alive but covered in scratches. I checked his body all over and realised he was also in the guild.

Not wanting to leave him there I bandaged him up and started to lift him on my back. He seemed fine now but he was still unconscious. The walk back to the guild was a long way considering how heavy he was. When we got to the steps in the city of Monstadt I gave a thumbs up to kathryne making sure she wouldn't worry. I couldn't bother taking him to Barbara since I could heal him myself and the cathedral is so far away.

Instead I took him to my house. It wasn't very clean but it would do. I headed to my room placing him gently on my bed. I needed to make the food to heal him. Quickly I wipped up a few chicken skewers putting healing powder in them so he wouldn't notice the disgusting taste. I started to transfer the skewers onto a plate while heading to my room. I opened the door slightly. I placed the plate on the side table hoping he would wake up.

He looked so comfortable I didn't want to wake him. But he wouldn't wake from sleeping. I started to tap his face. His green emerald eyes started to flutter open. I opened my mouth saying,

"I have some food for you. Please eat it"

He looked at me confused about where he was but sat up and took one of the skewers and made an O shape with his mouth. He started to eat them not breaking the eye contact. His eyes were very beautiful.

"Where am I?"

He finally spoke. He seems to have forgotten everything. I simple said,

"Your in my house. I found you unconscious next to a rock. I almost forgot to say. My name is y/n! Can I get yours?"

He looked at me still confused as he smiled "I'm Bennett! Leader of Bennys adventure team!" That seemed really sweet. He named his team. But if he did have a team why was he alone? I mean I don't have a team so I don't know what they do.

I couldn't hold a smile back. Something about him made my heart flutter.


I'm so sorry that it's bad. I havnt really thought of a plot. But I am kinda a slow writer so I'm sorry if the updates take long.

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