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"Barry, that's your third glass of wine." I smile as the waiter pours him another drink. Barry smiles at me and winks as he thanks the waiter, who is French and quite attractive, before he takes a sip of the wine.

"Wine never hurt anyone." He smiles. "And besides with a hero like you, I'll get home safe." Barry speaks with a smile. I roll my eyes, he better not get drunk. Barry always got drunk quicker than the rest of us. He eats the bread at our table, which was also French, and proceeded to look at me. I look back at him and then raise an eyebrow in question of his motives.

"You're still single?" Barry says absentmindedly.

"Yes." I state. I've probably had most money since I've been single....but now Harrison insists on giving me more money.

"What's the plan after this?"

"After what?"

"This." He points to the table.

"I dunno, ice cream?" I shrug.

"That's not what I meant." He smirks. I look at him.

"Well, um, what did you mean?" I ask but am cut off by the waiter who comes with the food. I'm relieved as I thank the waiter and eat my food. Barry steals glances and heartbeats from across the table. I finish half of my pasta before I frown.

"You meant...." I realize and look up. He looks up at me and smirks and then puts his head back down. I hold my breath. I'm not sure how to feel, and how am I suppose to know how I feel?!

I push the platter aside and bite my lip as I think hard about the proposition that has been brought up. Barry finishes his meal and we sit in awkward silence for a bit.

"Let's go." I sigh and leave money at the table. Barry hurries after me. I walk out into the cool spring air and take a deep breath. I look up at the sky, and although the smog blocks out some stars, some still shine through. However, I see dark storm clouds brewing.

I walk to Barry's car and we get in. I hold Barry's hand as he drives through the streets. I smile absentmindedly out the window.

When we get to my house I invite Barry inside. The storm is starting and I shut the windows of the kitchen, which have been opened for the past couple of days.

"Smells fresh in here." Barry states. I nod and walk into the living room where Barry sits on the couch. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder.

"If you ever have kids, what would you name them?" Barry asks. I shrug and smile.

"Why are you concerned(" I tease. His shoulder becomes hot against my cheek. He moves hair from my face. Our fingers lace around one another and I look up at him. For the first time in a long time, I feel safe and secure. I feel my heart race as Barry kisses me gently on the lips. We continue for couple more minutes before the kisses become more passionate and soon every move we make sends jolts through our body's. After some time, we make it to the bedroom.

I wake up cold. I shiver as I open my eyes and see my surroundings. I'm on my stomach, lying flat against my bed. A thin sheet covers my naked body. I'm on the right side of the bed, my head facing out. I turn in and see Barry sleeping blissfully next to me. I slither out of bed and grab clothing. It's Saturday, I don't expect any calls from Harrison but knowing him, I will get some.

I quietly leave the room and go into the kitchen. The first thing I notice is my phone which is buzzing on the counter. I roll my eyes as I pick it up and see Harrison's contact. I answer the call.

"Harrison, I just wok-"

"Is Barry there?" His voice is frantic.


"Give me his number and then wake him up and lie and say you saw his phone ringing and you answered, do you understand?" He says quickly.

"Okay." I say and I give him Barry's number. I hear Barry's phone which is in his dress pants in front of my bedroom door. I answer it and hear Harrison. I rush over to Barry and rub his back in a gentle but frantic way.

"Barry?" I ask. He stirs awake.

"Your phone went off and I answered it and this guy is asking for you, he sounds frantic." I whisper and give him the phone. He sits up in bed and takes the phone. I sit on the edge of the bed next to his feet.

"Cisco?" He says. A reply is giving and Barry sits straight up in bed. He throws off the covers, exposing his boxers. He starts putting clothes on before he snarls something into the phone.

"I swear, I will kill you if you touch her." He says as he shuts it off. I pretend not to hear.

"Sorry, emergency at the precinct." He smiles and kisses me on the mouth.

"See you later?" I ask as he rushes through my house.

"Most definitely!" He yells as I hear him shut the front door. I leap out of bed and grab my phone and call Harrison back.

"What's going on?" I ask frantically.

"Barry will need to be at his job today, the Reverse Flash was rampaging through the town." He says calmly. My heart beats faster.

"What does that have to do with Barry?" I think about what Barry does for a job, he's only a forensic scientist...right?

"Come to the warehouse and I'll explain it all." He ends the call. I throw on better clothing before rushing out of my house. I go to my car and then notice something odd.

Barry's car is still here.

Fastest Men Alive (Harrison Wells vs Barry Allen) (Going Under Revision)Where stories live. Discover now