Chapter 1 If at first you don't succeed then try again

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It was a slow night. I was finishing paperwork from the past five days, reviewing cases, and prioritizing which cases went where. I stopped and stretched as Moxxie placed a coffee on my desk and I gave him a small grateful smile. I rubbed the back of my neck and stood up, stretching as my body screamed at me to sleep. I sighed, shaking my head, organizing my desk somewhat, and Moxie patiently awaited.

"You know, you shouldn't be hiding behind paperwork. That last mission wasn't your fault. I mean those civilians..."

"Moxie, please. Not now. I'm in no mood of who's fault it was nor do I care to talk about what happened. Civilians got killed, big whoop. It's losses we got hit with," I felt the familiar pounding of a headache coming on as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to figure shit out with Corporate up our asses with the mission and paperwork. And we have new souls to place in the rings of hell. We're stretched thin Moxie. "

He nodded silently as he sighed. We began walking home in silence as we listened to the city noises. I waved goodbye to Moxie who would be going home to Millie. Loona was wherever she was for the night, and I was alone in an empty quiet house. Turning on the TV, I made a quick supper, which was leftovers from what Stolas had given me when he "visited." Shuddering lightly, I sighed as I sat down and ate before laying down. The house looked like a bomb had gone off in it but I didn't care at the time.

I woke up with a startle when my alarm on my phone went off. It vibrated under the pillow as I grabbed it blindly, before answering it, as Stolas's voice filled my foggy brain.

"Hello dear, wanted to see if we were still on for tonight," rubbing my eyes, I sat up more.

"Tonight? What's tonight?"

Shit, I was so busy with work I forgot what day it was.

"O-our date? Oh silly of me, I must've woken you up with such nonsense," I groaned and looked at my phone for the time. I sighed internally.

"Shit, no I forgot Stolas. Things have been hectic at work and I just been dealing with shit. Work's been stressful and I got to bed later than usual. I'll come pick you up for dinner or something."

He audibly sighed, before speaking. "Well, I suppose I can forgive you this time. I mean it's not like we have anything serious between us going on," I shook my head.

"Alright I suppose. Give me a call when you're free my love," I smiled softly when he said that.

I hung up, knowing he meant well as I laid down again. I texted the group chat, letting them know I wasn't feeling good today. I honestly just wanted a day to myself and I figured what the fuck, why not now?

After shopping, doing a majority of house cleaning and some cooking, I laid down for a bit more before meeting with Stolas. Not that I wanted to because I did but God that voice was annoying the shit out of me. With the shit ton of paper work and the lack of sleep, I was more irritated than ever before. I got up and took a shower before changing. Taking the beat up 2015 Chevy Silverado 1500 lt, I drove in silence. I was to exhausted to enjoy in any of the festivities but knowing Stolas, he'd never let me hear the end of it. Which in a way made me sick to my stomach. I enjoyed having him with me as a fuck buddy but at the end of of day, I didn't feel anything for the goecia. Which sucked in a way. I sighed as I grabbed my phone and called him. I didn't tell him that I had a migraine coming on nor did I wanna come to the palace to pick him up since his marriage was falling apart in his hands. I did it mostly to shut him up. I preferred the company of Moxie and Millie over him but I stuck it out anyways. It made no sense but the sex was not mind blowing but enough to hold me over with everything going on.

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