Chapter 2 If at first you don't succeed, then try again (part 2)

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I sat across stolas, annoyed as fuck. He had been texting and calling me nonstop about date night. I grudgingly agreed to take him out to Ozzie's but I was not in the mood to do anything. I just wanted to sleep with the way the migraines were. I sighed internally and Stolas watched me. His eyes staring at me. I looked at him and he smiled but I looked away. Honestly, I just wanted to be left alone. Standing up, I went outside, lighting up a cigarette. I sat down on the steps, I sighed softly when Stolas decided to sit next to me. We sat in silence, the party still going on inside Ozzies. I looked over at him as he watched me closely. 

"You've been distant lately Blitzy. You don't seem really interested in hanging with me nor do you seem to want to fuck anymore. Is it me?"

Pinching the bridge of my nose, the cigarette still in hand. "No it's not you Stolas. Things have been a shitshow lately. I already told you this. I've got a migraine too, and I've been trying to keep the business a float. Besides, you seem to be more interested in other things."

He watched me with a pang of hurt filling his face. "I'm not interested in other things. I've been busy dealing with royalty duties. Besides you rarely text back Blitzo! I'm trying to help you and you don't want it. What do you expect me to do? I mean, I know that sometimes you aren't in the best of moods, but don't take it out on me because of whatever you are dealing with! I'm already in a shitty marriage, I don't need to be with someone that's just as shitty as my damn wife!"

Staring at him, I took a heavy deep sigh with a shake of my head. We drove back in silence, except for the sound of the radio playing softly in the background. I was in no mood to be bear him and at that moment, made me question why I was with this owl of a man. He tried touching my hand but I pulled away, dropping him off with a silent goodbye. I left after he closed the door, not caring if he made inside or not. I had nausea rack my body with the migraine being unbearable. 

My phone rang and I grabbed it, not caring about who was calling. "What?" I barked out.

"Jesus, what pissed you off so damn late?" Asked Moxie.

Sighing, I pulled over. "Nothing, I just have to migraine is all. What's going on Moxie?"

"We have a new mission and was wondering if you wanted to join!" Yelled Millie in the background. 

I sat there unsure. "Well, I mean if you guys need me then sure, fuck it. I'm not in the best of shapes though to be honest."</p>

Moxie sighed into the phone with annoyance filling his voice. "Oh come on! You never want to do missions, you've been a dick head lately sir. Why deny the mission? It's money in your pocket, and you can get Stolas off your ass. Seriously, you've been hiding in stacks of paperwork and you don't seem yourself. I know you've been dealing with migraines but it's not like you to pass up a mission Blitzo."

Groaning softly, I leaned against the steering wheel, and shook my head. "Honestly Moxie, my head hurts to bad to even think straight. I think I'm just gonna skip out and try to get some sleep. Put the paperwork on my desk when you're done."</p>

I finally made my way home and dragged my sorry ass upstairs. I grabbed something for the throbbing in my head and laid on the couch, putting on the tv for background noise. I sat in the dark, with the exception of the tv light and closed my eyes. I must've fallen asleep because my phone began to buzz under the pillow. I stumbled for it blindly and answered it with frustration. 

"What the fuck Stolas? What did I tell you about calling me!?"

"Actually it's Loona and shit, what's got your panties in a twist?"

I sighed as I laid back down. "I'm sick, that's what. Please, for the love of god, leave me the fuck alone. Just for a couple of days! That's all I am asking for. Shit, I might just turn off my phone and ignore all of you guys. I can't Loona."

She hung up without a goodbye and I took a deep breath as I tossed my phone under the pillow again and I closed my eyes. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anymore people and everyone seemed to be getting on my God damn nerves. Why was everyone hellbent on getting on my God damn nerves? It was honestly starting to piss me off that people needed me so damn bad. I mean come on, dude!

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