Chapter 3 Whatever happened... Oh shit I'm sorry

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I was on my way to work when it happened. Someone collided into me and I fell on the ground. I was about to yell at the person who had knocked me down when I saw a pair of eyes staring at me with concern.

"I am so sorry! I'm so clumsy!"

I snarled softly as we got up but her eyes weren't normal like a normal imp's eyes. Instead they were silver, making them unusual. I stared at her as she watched me, playing with her stripped hair that made me think of a zebra. She tilted her head smiling shyly.

"No, please. I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm dealing with some shit right now and I'm not feeling my normal self. Your eyes..."

She giggled softly. "Yeah I know. My eyes are different. Get it from my mom's side. Not what matters though. Let me at least buy you coffee or something. We're both feeling shitty and we need some sort of distraction. "

Nodding I smiled. We began walking and talking, talking about work and about our lives as kids. We laughed about it now but looking back at it now was traumatic in its own way. We stopped in front of my work and she watched me unsure. She played with her hands and I smiled at her. She seemed different than the other imps. She seemed like she understood what I was going through and I took a deep breath.

"How about I swap numbers with you and we can continue this after work or something."

She nodded at that and she pulled out her phone. She passed it to me as I gave her my phone.

"I'm Freya."

Tilting my head, I smiles. "Freya. That's a pretty name. Sounds like a goddess name. I'm Blitzo but everyone calls me Blitz."--------------------------
Walking into the office, I stretched as everyone watched me.

"What?" I asked.

"You.... Seem to be in a good mood sir, why is that?" Asked Moxxie. 

Millie nudged him as he whined softly. "Nothing, just karma collecting some overdue debt for some good deeds I've done a while ago. Not that it matters to you asswipe," I said with a smile as Loona rolled her eyes at that with Millie holding Moxxie while he gave a low annoying growl.

Chuckling at that, we went about our business trying to get ready for the new arrival. Which happened to be the girl I met earlier that day. Fuck me.

"Freya?! Look at you! You've gotten taller and you look good!" Loona seemed excited to have the female silver eyed imp around.

"Hi Loona, long time no see. I um followed your voxtogram but I barely use the damn thing since I've been so busy. And Blitz! You're my boss! That's a surprise."

The poor imp seemed surprised by the fact that I was her new boss. Which surprised me even more since Loona didn't exactly tell me what was ever going on.

Loona and Freya began talking and catching up as I watched in surprise. This was totally unexpected yet I wasn't surprised at all. I would have to do some research on Freya and see what she was all about. She seemed to be special to Loona some how. As if they knew each other from somewhere before I adopted Loona. She began to talk to Moxxie and Millie and they laughed at something that Moxxie had said. I couldn't help but stare at her as she passed me a small smile my way. She seemed so interesting with that smile of hers. Like she could get away with anything with that smile. I shook my head as she came up to me finally and gave me filled out paper work that was required of all employees with the exception of Loona. She sat on her phone not paying attention to anything around her as I went into an office with Freya to have some peace and quiet. 

"Well this is kind of awkward. I actually knocked down my boss which I didn't mean to do by the way. I honestly wasn't paying attention."

"Actually that was my fault. I have so much on my mind between some personal things going on in my life and the business and well you know how it goes to be honest. Anyways, how did you hear about us?"

"The commercials. It was quite funny actually. I sent in the application and the rest of it was history. I mean you seemed to like me enough to hire me as an employee so that must count for something am I right?"

We both laughed at that and I sighed softly. She brought joy into my life like nobody else did and that must mean something if Stolas couldn't do that especially with all the sex we have been doing lately after his nasty divorce with his bitch of a wife.

"That is true. Anyways, welcome to the company Freya!" She smiled excitingly and I smiled back at her and this time it was an actual smile.

We walked through the office as I showed her around. 

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