Vaven Brigante

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Godly Parent: RaName: Vaven Ramses Brigante Age: 22Gender: male Sexuality: demi-pansexual Faceclaim: Christiano Palmerini

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Godly Parent: Ra
Name: Vaven Ramses Brigante
Age: 22
Gender: male
Sexuality: demi-pansexual
Faceclaim: Christiano Palmerini

Personality: He is responsible and level-headed in necessary situations, but also a bit playful and teasing. He is thoughtful and considerate though, and quite perceptive and observant of those around him. He will lie to protect something or someone (like lying to save himself or someone else from embarrassment). He's somewhat selfless, but he's not the type to take all the danger onto himself. Yeah, he'd rather get himself into an awkward situation than put someone else in that position, but he doesn't see his life as worth any less than anyone else's. He loves to have fun, but he knows when he needs to get serious. He is confident in himself and his decisions, but he isn't cocky or arrogant. He can be pretty impatient, though. When he doesn't agree with someone, he'll try to voice his opposing opinion in a respectful way. Sometimes his temper can get the better of him, but he wouldn't say anything that would be too hurtful. There isn't much that will make him actually angry to the point he'd lose his temper, though. He'll only try to mediate arguments in a group if they're short on time and they need to get something done immediately, or if someone goes too far he'll step in. He'd rather let them sort it out for themselves. He can be sweet, and his love languages are gift-giving and quality time. He's kind of like an annoying yet affectionate older brother-type of friend.

Likes: football/soccer, teasing, pranks, magic tricks (he can only do a few), spending time with friends, video games (particularly multiplayer ones)

Dislikes: deep water (especially larger bodies of water like oceans or lakes), snakes, eels, seafood, citrus, sore losers, lone wolf types, traitors, bullying

Powers: fire manipulation  + creation
Weapon of Choice: spear
Anything else important: He has two younger half-sisters

Powers: fire manipulation  + creationWeapon of Choice: spear Anything else important: He has two younger half-sisters

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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