Vivienne Ashlight (TSC)

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Name: Vivienne AshlightNickname: ViviGender: femaleAge: 17Sexuality: straight Race: Shadowhunter Faceclaim: Maria ZezejiPersonality: Vivi is usually a rather cold person

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Name: Vivienne Ashlight
Nickname: Vivi
Gender: female
Age: 17
Sexuality: straight
Race: Shadowhunter
Faceclaim: Maria Zezeji
Personality: Vivi is usually a rather cold person. This is in part because she finds it hard to trust others. She has a strong sense of justice, as well, and will step in immediately if she sees sort of unnecessarily cruel or unfair treatment of others (this does not include demon hunting). She also has a sharp tongue, and a short temper, which gets her into trouble quite a bit. She's also stubborn, and won't back down in an argument or fight. That being said, she is level-headed, and tries her best to calmly assess her options in every situation. She doesn't care about anyone else's opinion, and often follows her logic and reasoning more than her gut. She's not always the warmest person, but she is kind in the end.
Likes: training, running, trying new things, learning to use new weapons, archery, reading, cats, cooking (on occasion)
Dislikes: inequality, being told she can't do something, being looked down on, dogs, rats, bugs, messes
Weapons: bow and arrows, seraph blades
Love interest: Will Herondale

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