Celyn Endgleam

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Role: Information Analyst

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Role: Information Analyst

Name: Celyn Endgleam

Nicknames: Cece

Code name: Pyxis

Age: 25

Gender: male

Sexuality: asexual, demiromantic

Faceclaim: Joshua Anthony Brand

Tattoos/scars/piercings: he mostly has scars on torso and back. He has a few, and doesn't have any piercings or tattoos.

Personality: Celyn is certainly not the nicest person.  He's quite a cold person, and is ruthless when he needs to be. He's blunt rather than polite, and is not fond of being manipulated. He may be a reliable person, but he's not the most trusting. He is quite impatient as well. He looks out for himself rather than others. He prefers to work alone whenever possible, and only cooperated begrudgingly when the situation calls for it. He prefers to be in the background instead of being a leader, but will step up if need be. He's responsible, and also quite paranoid. He's very cautious and mistrusting - he doesn't even trust the other rebels. He is very intelligent and pays close attention to details. He'll typically notice things quite quickly. He's a perfectionist when it comes to his strategies, and he'll become furious if someone so much as steps out of line when they are enacting his plan.

Likes: being alone, practicing his skills, planning and deciding strategies, chess, reading

Dislikes: his plans failing, being betrayed, being lied to, noisy people, those who won't leave him alone, social events

Strengths: strategic, observant, ruthless

Weaknesses: paranoid, mistrusting, impatient

Fears: being vulnerable - for example, if his personal information/his identity were to be released or given to his enemies.

Hobbies/skills: reading, chess, creating strategies, analyzing information, finding weaknesses in formations and plans

Family: Rosalía Endgleam (mother)
Alwyn Endgleam (father)
Emrys Endgleam (brother)

Relationships: He's acquaintances with most of the rebels. He doesn't consider anyone his friend, though.

Backstory: Celyn grew up with only his brother and parents. He and his brother weren't close due to their age gap of eight years. His parents worked so much that  they were barely home. On top of that, they barely made enough money to support their family. When his father was injured in an accident, he was released from his job with only one last pay check. Since his father couldn't get another job, his mother had to work as much as she could, and ended up working to the point where she had to be hospitalized. So, he left at seventeen. He felt he could find better jobs just on his own. If he only took care of himself, he didn't need to worry about making enough money to feed anyone else. So, for a couple years, he worked odd jobs, most of which were illegal. Through connections from some of those jobs, he was led to the rebels. There, he was told of their cause, and allowed in. He figured it would be a better place than on the streets, and so he joined. At least, he would be able to get revenge. That was his main goal: to get revenge on the government for not protecting him and his family.

Thoughts on selection: He thinks it's frivolous and useless, not to mention incredibly stupid. If he were the king, there would be no way he'd ever allow any outsiders to stay his home for that long, especially with most of the selected not having personal guards watch their every move.

Why a rebel?: He dislikes the caste system  and monarchy. He believes they've ruled in a way that has hurt the common people, and only aided themselves.

Gang related thing they specialize in: Gathering information and developing a plan based off of it

What got them into the rebels: He found out from some of his acquaintances from working certain odd jobs.

Guilty Pleasure: cleaning knives

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