Everything That's Happened.

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July 23th 1984:

You know I've lived on this beautiful island for years and many interesting thing has happened on this little island. But this interests me the most. 

Okay I should probably introduce myself now. My name is Sara Guetta. An engine driver on the North Western Railway. NWR for short. Specifically I drive the railway's number 3. Henry, a kind but sometimes gruff engine but over all he has a good heart. I usually work along side his fireman. Ted Porter. But he has felt terribly ill this week so a backup fireman is taking his place right now until he feels better. The backup fireman name is Linwood Taylor. He can be quite rude but at least he isn't a lazy bitch. Unlike the previous backup fireman... Yeah I don't think I've forgotten about you Nathaniel. 

Anyway I should probably get to the point on why I'm even writing in this journal. Japanese tourists have arrived at the airport. They're gonna be here for at least a week. Taking pictures of engines and locates all over the railway for a museum said to be built in Tokyo. I mean how cool is that? A huge Japanese museum built to display all the engines we love on this little island? I just find it so fascinating. Ok I should get back to work now. I'll continue writing tomorrow.

July 24th 1984: 

Ok so here's something interesting that happened. And it's not for the same reasons as the Japanese tourists.

I went to Tidmouth sheds this morning with Linwood to start work. However when we got there and tried to get Henry's fire ready. There just won't be enough steam as the fire just kept going out. Making it so he couldn't even move a few yards. Sure Henry has had some trouble steaming up before. But that was years ago when he was in his old shape and needed welsh coal.

I went up to Henry to ask him what was wrong. He didn't reply, he just looked at me. Looking extremely tired. When I turned around to think for a minute. I realized that Henry wasn't the only who was having trouble steaming up. I saw my boyfriend Jason, also James' driver, talking to James asking him the same things I was asking to Henry. I walked over to him and asked him if he any luck steaming James up. However it was the same as Henry, no.

After about 10 minutes of talking to Jason about what to do I heard a shout from Linwood. He said he was finally able to get Henry's fire ready. I went to Henry now that it seemed he less tired.

I asked him why he was feeling so sleepy and so he explained everything. Apparently last night Gordon wouldn't stop groaning in pain. Him and James asked Gordon what was wrong but Gordon just said he didn't know but something just hurt. Really badly. Because of this him and James ended up barely getting any sleep. 

I felt bad for him and James. So I went to Sir Topham Hat to ask him for help and see what was wrong with Gordon. He send Gordon to works to get him checked over and the workmen found a scratch mark on the side of his boiler. However it didn't look like a normal scratch. Like someone had throw rock at his boiler. No it looked more like a scratch from a bear. But how could nobody have noticed a bear near Gordon? If it even was a bear... 

Topham asked him when it first started hurting. Gordon replyed with that it first started when he was at the airport. When he was picking the Japanese tourists . At first he ignored it, thinking it was just boiler ach. But over time it started to hurt. Topham thinks it was one of the Japanese who had left that scratch. So he went to the airport and asked the people working there if he could check the security camera. Topham said he saw a man with a suit and a white fedora going offley close Gordon's boiler. However when the man walked another step towards Gordon. the camera went to static. The camera eventually trunned back to normal and showed the man no longer there anymore. But the scratch on Gordon's boiler was there now.

With Gordon out of commission Topham assigned Henry takeover Gordon's work. However Henry soon felt burned out having to do both his and Gordon's work at the same time. Topham understood this. He went to his office contacting friends on the mainland to find a diesel to takeover Gordon's work. However he found something that was not expecting. It turns out one of his friends had been hiding an rusty steam engine from scrap. He found out the engine was an LMS Ivatt 2MT. He didn't hesitated and bought the engine right away.

The engine's name was Matthew. He had the classic North Western Blue and Red. However the Blue was much darker. He seemed to be extremely shy but was very kind engine. Me and Linwood have also met his crew. Terrence Bain, Terry For Short, and Pierce Habit. Friendly fellows. Henry has said he likes Matthew but he's still worried about Gordon.

So that's everything that's happened. Man I don't know what to feel about all this. One hand I'm very happy that Topham has been able to save another engine's life. But on the other hand The stuff with Gordon and the Japanese tourists have made me a bit nervous. Maybe I'm just overthinking everything.

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