The Demon's First Massacre.

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July 30th 1984:

Ok i've barely been able to write because of what the bloody hell happened.

But I think I can write now, it's probably best to start from the beginning. it was night time, around 9 o'clock just shy of 9 o' clock, and we were at Knapford with a passenger train waiting for all the passnegers to get on board. Matthew was next to Henry with the express, waiting for everyone to get on board. He had enjoyed  his time on Sodor so far but he still getting used to things. Linwood jumped out of Henry's cab to buy something at M.C. Bunns since there still was sometime before departure.

James was also there with a long goods train, he suddenly started a fight with Henry and Matthew. Complaining why he was pulling a dirty goods train and why they got to pull passenger trains. Good old James, always complaining about goods trains. Matthew eventually snapped at James telling him that if he keeps complaining anymore he'll be running late. Before James could say anothere word his guard blew the whistle. He puffed quietly away, going down the Ffarquhar branch. Got to say even though Matthew's extremely shy he's not afraid to talk back when someone's acting like a dumbass. 

Then out of nowhere some people start to attack everbody in the station. They had weird eyes with extremely sharp teeth, and also demonic looks on their faces. I looked back and shouted for Linwood to get back into cab. As he started to sprint towards me I looked down a little bit and something I really wished I hadn't. I saw one of those things eating my best friend Christina. I known her since I was 7 and seeing her getting eaten nearly made faint. 

I think I nearly did but Linwood jumped in the cab and prevented me from doing so. One of the things slashed the right part of Henry's right cheek, that frightened Henry but it would take more than to take out him out. Matthew then started to puff out of the station, but right when he started to gain up speed an engine coupled up to his brake coach. I looked back and saw it was Rosie, she had those same weird eyes and sharp teeth and that demonic look on her face. Matthew then shouted for Henry to escape while he had the chance. I heard shout from his cab and it was Terry telling me and Linwood the same thing. So with a heavy heart I released the brakes and puffed away as fast as we could, leaving Matthew behind. Henry had never gone so fast in his life, nor had he been so terrified. Then saw more of those things everywhere when we past Tidmouth station. We were all looking at the massacre that was happening and none of us notice that We were headin right towards a pair of buffers. I pulled the brake but it was too late. We crashed right into the buffers at nearly full speed. I tried to get up but the impact knocked me down. The last thing I remembered before passing out was hearing a whistle that was all too familiar.

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