Day 1: Morrigan

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Morrigan raced down the staircase and launched herself into Jupiter's arms. "Jupiter! You're home!" She yelled. He laughed.

"Glad to see you, too, Mog." Morrigan sighed. She still wasn't a fan of her Patron's nickname for her, but at least it wasn't quite as awful as it was the first time she heard it.

"Hey, where's Jack?" Jupiter asked.

"Jack's up in the Smoking Parlor with Dame Chanda. She's trying to teach him how to dance." Morrigan laughed, remembering how many times Jack had tripped over his feet. "He's not doing too well."

Jupiter laughed as well and set her down. "Well, let's go save my nephew from a horrendous death, then."

As they approached the door of the Smoking Parlor, they could hear Dame Chanda's imperious voice loud and clear as she shouted at Jack. The Parlor was frantically pumping out Jasmine Tea-scented smoke in an effort to calm her down, but it clearly wasn't working too well, as a vase shattered on the floor at Jupiter's foot when he opened the door.

"Hey, now!"

"Jupiter! Thank goodness you're home! This boy's been trying to kill me!" Dame Chanda screeched, outraged.

"It's not true, Uncle Jove!" Jack was hiding under a couch, and ducked as yet another glass object flew at him.

"Chanda, calm down!" Jupiter yelled. No matter how hard he tried to look stern, Morrigan could tell from the gleam in his eye that he thought this situation was as funny as she did.

Dame Chanda huffed, but sat down. Jack peeked over the edge of the couch.

"Now, what seems to be the issue?"

"Well," Dame Chanda began, "I was attempting to teach this one how to dance, and he just couldn't get even the most basic steps right! I bore it, however, because you know how patient I am, but then he tore my fur coat! That was a top of the line, irreplaceable original Diane von Fleugan AND THAT LITTLE DEMON TORE IT!"

"Uncle Jove, help!" Jack screamed as Dame Chanda began chasing him around the room.

"Mog, do something!"

"What do you expect me to do!?!?"

"I don't know, something Wundersmith-y! Just do something! "

Morrigan thought hard. Suddenly, she had it. It was so simple!

"Dame Chanda, if Jack and I fix your coat, will you let him alone?"

Dame Chanda paused and Jack dove back under his couch.

"Well...." She considered it. "I suppose so."

"Alright, the two of us will get right on it. Jack, grab her coat and come with me. We've got some Weav- I mean, sewing to do."

Jack peeked around the couch again. As soon as he was sure that Dame Chanda wasn't going to chase him again, he snagged the fur coat and ran out of the room after Morrigan.

"You're going to Weave it back together, aren't you?" Jack asked Morrigan.



"Oh, no, you're not getting away that easy. You're going to have to grant me one favor to use whenever I wish. Got it?"

Jack was relieved. "Deal."

"Good. Because this Christmas, you're cheering for Saint Nicholaus."


Morrigan laughed and started running.

"Should've thought before you agreed, Jack!" She called over her shoulder.

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