Day 15: Nocturne

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"Morrigan?" Jack called, knocking on the door of room 85. That was Morrigan's room, and Jack had seen her go in about an hour ago.

"Morrigan?" He called again, and this time, she opened the door. 

"What is it, Jack? I was about to practice my Nocturne."

Jack's eyes widened a little. "Hey, cool! Would you mind if I watch?"

Morrigan hesitated for a second, before letting him in.

"I feel like I should warn you," She said, sitting in the octopus chair as he flopped onto her bed. "you probably are gonna be bored out of your mind. There's not much to see."

"Nah, it's fine. I'll just take off my eyepatch."

Morrigan was surprised. Jack was a Witness, like his uncle, Jupiter. That meant that they could look at an object or person and see everything that has ever happened to them. It was often a little overwhelming, especially for a young Witness like Jack. His eyepatch somehow helped turn the knack off, or at least far enough down that he didn't go insane. Being a Witness also meant that Jack could see Morrigan using wunder, even though no one else would be able to. 

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah." Jack said. "I mean, we do it often enough at Frank's parties so I can practice; how much harder could it be with just us?"

He had a point. "Well," she said, a little shy now, "alright, I guess."

Morrigan closed her eyes. "Morningtide's child is merry and mild,"

Jack sat up, watching with interest as wunder began to gather around Morrigan's hands.

"Eventide's child is wicked and wild."

She guided the wunder into a ball shape, and tossed it up into the air.

It splashed against the walls, creating a beautiful paint-splatter effect against the royal blue walls. "Woah." Jack didn't even try to stop the word from falling out. Morrigan blushed.

"Morningtide's child arrives with the dawn,"

The wunder flowed along the wall until it was in the shape of a swan.

"Eventide's child brings gale and storm."

The wunder swan turned black for a moment, then beat its painted wings and seemed to fly off the wall.

"Where are you going, O son of the morning?"

It swept itself into a tangible shape, still a swan, though a little lopsided.

"Up with the sun, where the winds are warming."

It flapped over to Jack, and tapped his nose with its beak. Jack laughed.

"Where are you going, O daughter of night?"

The wunder swan circled the room a few times.

"Deep down below where the pale things bite."

The swan gave one last lap around the room, and dove up through the ceiling.

Jack turned to Morrigan, excitement lighting up his dark eyes. "That was magnificent!" 

Morrigan blushed again. "Really?"

"Yes! Would it be alright if I came again sometime?"

"S-sure, I guess so."

"Thank you, Morrigan!" he hugged her tight and left the room.

When Martha came in to clean a few minutes later, Morrigan was still blushing. "Are you alright, dear?" She asked.

"What? Oh, it's nothing, Martha. Don't worry about it."

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